I'm a 15 y/o girl and I own a sharp discomfort within my kidneys?

Yeah...I'm pretty much effed up. I smoke weed AND cigarettes, I drink, I'm bulimic, I take Prozac and mix it with the alcohol, I bring lots of laxatives, I take caffeine pills...you get the point. Should I see a doctor? Last dark I got really drunk and now adjectives of a sudden I have a really horrible, sharp pain within my kidneys. Also, I tried to overdose last week by taking 10 ibuprofens so I'm not sure if that has something to do next to it.

Answers:    you should see a doctor and look at this website
you are also messing up your liver and kidneys by smoking and drinking.
You're right, you are pretty effed up. Maybe now you will realize doing all the things you hold been isn't such a good conception. You really need to get within to see a doctor as soon as possible. My daughter (21) had very unpromising kidney pains after a night of drinking and it caused her kidneys to almost shut down. If she hadn't gotten to the hospital when she did, she could hold died. I don't think you want to kill yourself so get hold of to the doctor's asap. If you need counseling in lay down to deal with doesn`t matter what reasons you are doing all the things you do, please return with it. Life may suck sometimes, but the alternative isn't so great and it's rather permanent too. [Aren't you for a moment fcuk up? I laugh at teenagers like you. The ones who reflect on they're like immortal or something and nothing's ever gonna hurt them: already doing drugs and smoking ciggs? On top of that, you have an ingestion disorder. Hahahahahahaha. You a funny girl.]

I apologize for saying that, hun. I was a short time ago... upset with something else. Let me help you out within a nicer way. Okay, I have abundantly of friends who smoke pot & ciggs, drink, thizz, do acid, shroom, etc... the list go on. I admit I've been drunk a few times, but I haven't be for a couple months. Anyway, the point is, when over-using a drug, it's going to harm your body. Vomiting everyday damages your body. Please visit your doctor asap, unless you'd to some extent die..
If you can admit these things to us, then you can own them to a doctor. Just the fact that you posted this thread makes me ruminate that deep down you WANT help and proposal.You are 15, for God's sake! You have an entire life ahead of you. No concern how hopeless life may seem right immediately, it WILL get better.

Also, the first and hardest step to solving your problems is admitting them. You only just did that. Now go get some comfort and save your own life. Even if you don't do it for you, after do it for all of the people that you would hurt by slowly massacre yourself..
May God bless you. You really need help to batter your addictions. You are to young to dissipate your life and you must seek psychiatric and medical give support to immediately to deal beside the suicide issues , eating disorder ,self destructive behavior and physical issues. Also the mixing of the various drugs can enjoy strong and deadly side effects. Talk to your parents, pray and seek relief fast. At your age you should be enjoying enthusiasm. YES. You need to see a doctor immediately.

This is incredibly unwholesome, not only for a young girl but for anyone!
You are growing right presently, and all these terrible craving are just going to ruin your health contained by the long run.
If you want to live past 25, i'd suggest taking a serious look at your life and quit adjectives these terrible things you do to your body.
If all you said is existing yes seek help - parents, friends, their parents, docs, teacher, school counselor anyone you can talk to or you won't ultimate long. You may be dehydrated or you may be going through some serious and dangerous stuff very soon with your kidneys. Seek help! If your attempting suicide, verbs the cocktail's ignore the pain. Soon you will succeed. Otherwise Kidney infection or spot from medication and chemical's. Do what ya gotta do. And good luck either instrument..
drinking, being bulimic, taking prozac
is deff. not good for you kidneys
by the nouns of it they could possibly fail on you
you should really consider(sp?) seeing a doctor.
yea girl you need to see the doctor and stop adjectives that **** our doing your body it to young to take adjectives that stuff and duh you going to have pain you cause it form doing all those things ! LAY OFF THE JOINTS, CIGARETTES, BOOZE, DRUGS, LAXATIVES AND PILLS THEN YOU WON'T BE HAVING HEALTH ISSUES.

honestly... YOU ARE BEING STUPID! Save your life in a minute and tell a doctor your problems and stop doing drugs and alcohol! you're ruining your life. STOP IT and you deserve to hold something wrong with you by doing these illegal things... Go to the doctor immediatly until next drink plenty of water, and you need to cut down on the alcohol intake..
if you tryed to overdose and waste yourself, why do you care about the strain?
Idiots should get off this site and progress find a life. your poor kidneys are there to detox your body, your making them work route to hard, you need to drink stout drinks and let them rest and detox.
ur not very smart. no offense but you shouldnt do that..ur gunna slay urself. ur probly gunna have kidney failure..GO TO THE DOCTOR! See a doctor, who know what this may be.
Go to the ER ASAP. it could be gas butt it could bt a kidney infection. stop doing drugs .
umm woow.. contact your doctor ASAP.

like right now!

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