What is going on next to my time

my period was around 7-12 days behind time and then when it came it be spotty it got a little heavier after 4 days and the together thing lasted for 10 -11 days and i am kinda spotty in a minute its an orange color its not normal for me at adjectives and like a few days after it started my period i have a very strong pain for a sec within my uterus. lately I been feeling description of sick in the stomach so if anyone can help me it would be great. i am solitary 20 i'll be 21 in november and yes i am sexually active.

Answers:    Since it sounds resembling you had a full period, I would not cogitate that you were pregnant. But, some women will still have a time of year here or there before they in actual fact realize that they are pregnant. So, you should do a pregnancy test.

Precancerous cells contained by your cervix can cause bleeding like this and so can an ovarian cyst.

Bottom column, you need to go hold a pelvic exam and possibly an ultra sound done at your doctors office.

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