When can i start my birth control pill?

i just got rotten my period yesterday. And i just get my pills for the very first tiem today. i read the instructions but idk.
im taking yaz, and it's just for my term because im not sexually active.
I know i have to pinch four white pills for when im off my period.

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You should start from 5 daytime of your cycle (every day one pill better at evening time before sleeping approximately at equal time). First day of cycle is your first day of interval. So calculate properly. If you are already late - better start for subsequent month.
Read more in http://www.menstrual-cycle.info
Be Healthy and Happy!

Ladies who enjoy taken Yaz!!?

You can start on any day in actual fact. If your pills are marked with days of the week, start next to the first active pill marked near today's day, then verbs taking the pills one day at a time until you get to the four white pills and later take those and then start a trial pack after that.

Birth Control?

u start it the day u get sour ur period.take the first pill that day\
yeah i be lucky like u and got my pils the morning after my period otherwise i would of had to keep on till the next mon th good luck beside the pill! since ive been on i have be wayyyy more pleasant.. not crabby really at all

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Those markings of the days of the week are only to sustain u remember.mine start with sunday, but i really start taking them on a friday..so i just use a fine pointer and scratch out the "sun" and write "fri", etc.just remember to start respectively pack on the same day of the week

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When did the Dr. let somebody know you to start them? Call your Dr. and ask. Don't try to get answers on a place like this.

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