What does it aim if ur not getting my length becasue im 14 and i didnt even seize it but?

im rlly the only person within my class who doesnt have it and another gurl plzzzz help that would be great

If you hold sex and semen go surrounded by your vagina and you dont catch your interval the morning you hold to does that stingy?

Be glad you don't own it [:
It can be a pain sometimes.
But don't worry more or less it; some people get it latter than others.
If you're 16 and still haven't gotten it, then you might want to go to your doctor.
So you're fine for presently; don't worry.
And enjoy not have to deal with it while you can[:

Does anyone else's stomach look approaching this?

Teena, i know it is complex not to worry about these things, especially when you are contained by school - there is so much pressure. But it is not unusual to own you period later on towards the pause of your teenage years - there are some women who dont even obtain their periods until they are reaching their 20's. Most of those girls in your class are probably lying anyway purely so they look good to everyone else. Just relax - it will come and when it does at least you are looking forward to it - it will be a unmarked step in your life. I couldn't dally for my period to come but you just enjoy to remember that having a period wont devolution who you are and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Why is it sooooooooooo effortless to take a boyfriend?

Do not verbs at all =) Loads of girls in my class hadn't started when they be 14. It's perfectly normal. Periods aren't something to really look forward to. My friend started when she be 16 =)

If you haven't started before you turn 16 then dance down to the doctors. Talk to your mum or another adult about it if you're worried.

Always take a spare change of underwear and a pad a moment ago incase you start.

x x x

Is it ok to own brown blood when your on your extent?

You are VERY lucky! you can do anything, You can go swimming when all your over mate cant! i started my period when i was 11! omg it be horrible! and the pain is REALY bad in good health for me it is anyway not for everyone! But your very lucky the longer you wait for you extent the better. Once you have yours you will never want it again!

I realy hope you dont start soon for your sake =)

Why do i not loose much blood douring my interval?

All you can do is wait, and don't sweat it. In certainty, enjoy it, because having your length is HORRIBLE and overrated. I used to want it to, until I actually got it, but presently I hate it. Enjoy not having it while you can!

My girlfriend is suffering from coat loss resulting contained by lacking hair spots after abortion. Help?

Ok, its TOTALLY typical... I got it about a month ago (im 11) and I used to want it... But after I get my first one... Back pains, cramps, and stained clothes! It's horrable :( just wait cuz you hold to deal with it until you're around 50 :(

Yeast infection...?

don't verbs about it. you will get it when you win it. you can talk to your mom, and i would see a doctor if you haven't had it once your 16.

Period interview!?

i know this girl who get hers at 16. maybe you might be a really leat bloomer as well

Help :( worryng discharge?

What does it be determined..?
Broaden areolas, immediately contained by my 52days cycle and no time of year?
Is it bleak if your 2 days over your time?
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