What do you beckon your breasts?

What terms do you usually use, and are there any words that really bother you?

I usually only just say breasts or t i t s. I hate it when race say boobies--sounds like a word a 12 year frail boy would use.

When i make a contribution my boyfriend..?

There are a variety of terms I've hear people use: "my girls", "puppies", "t i t s" or "t i t t i e s", "boobs", "breasts" and "boobies," "my cleavage", "nung-nungas", "my friends."
I usually use the word breast, or boobs. I too dislike the term boobies..It make me outright giggle!

Best position for sex during pregnancy?

im a big Georgia Nicolson fan, so i say aloud either Nunga-nungas, or Basoomas, (but mostly Nunga-nungas) :P

an is it just me? or does every time ur Mum read aloud 'Boobs' or 'Boobies' u feel like screaming and recoilin contained by sheer horror?

Question i entail ur lend a hand on?

i dont have a name but my sister call mine speed bumps! or wasp/bee stings!! i had poosh pockets for about 4 months!! lol i revulsion when ppl call then t-i-t-t-i-e-s its so stupid and tallying ies to boobs is a little stupid

Brown stuff coming from near?..My interval finished along time ago.?

Boobs, cleavage (I developed big ones early), "my girls", breasts

Feminine cross-examine here, ladies pls oblige?

To my daughter they are Ninnies I call them My Girls. They usually enter the room first so I should only give them real name lol

What does it show if ur not getting my length becasue im 14 and i didnt even achieve it however?

i say boobs

LADIES ONLY!! Do you use a DivaCup, MoonCup, or Keeper? (10 natural points)?

Boobs. Is what i call mine hah ;)


Boobs or ****.

Help Me!! MY underwear have blood. Is that run of the mill?

boobs, breasts

Help Me...Please?

boobs che ches ma girls whopper

Pimple around the boob..LADIES ONLY!?

im 12 and i say boobs :) haha its funnyyy

I own big testosterone, it's NOT related to PCOS. I lately want info on the best opening to control it...?

i say boobs or **** =]

Birth control shot??

****, boobs, my lil ones

Vomiting and birth control give a hand!?

my girls's breasts...cleavage

Absent minded?

i say-so my chest. personally i dont like truism boobies, t*ts, nuts etc just doest sound appropriate.


I approaching to masturbate but cant fit anything but almost a tampon size surrounded by. (mabey somewhat bit bigger) why?

i articulate boobs, ****, my girls

My daughter's term?

I'm not hungry the first couple days after I start my interval?
If you hold sex and semen go surrounded by your vagina and you dont catch your interval the morning you hold to does that stingy?
My mom desires to give somebody a lift me to a gyno...?
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