Want to whip birthcontrol to gain wieght?

im 14 years old & skinnyyy, ive tryed everything to gainwieght. it just doesnt work.
im not sexualy alive.
i know on some people birthcontrol makes them gain wieght, would it be okay if i took birthcontrol in recent times to see if this works on me?

& how does birth control effect your periods? will i not have that frequent, or will they be really light?
and if i accdently miss a day of taking it, what will come to pass?

& how do i ask my mom for birthcontrol for this? she already thinks im a slut, she wont belive me.

& is birthcontrol unheathly in any mode?
sorry about adjectives these questions.

Answers:    Ok this is not a good theory at all. If you are concerned about your counterbalance you need to talk to your doctor. He/she may know how to put you on a specific diet that will help you gain the weight.
First of adjectives Birth control does not always make those gain weight, it didn't for me. And yes It will affect your period by regulating it, it also usually make it lighter, but because you are so young not many doctors will prescribe it as it could adversely affect your cycle as you run through puberty. If you miss a day and are sexually active you could become pregnant.
I would try to find some other approach (with your doctor's help) to gain weight. And wait on the birth control until you are elder. Good Luck!.
First of all, bcps DO NOT make you gain immensity. That is a myth. I have a very quickly metabolism and I'm very skinny- I've never gained cargo from taking bcps. They will give you shorter, lighter periods every month. So, I don't judge you need to take bcps right very soon since your not sexually active. I wouldn't use it for that and I don't think any Dr will prescribe it to you for that.

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