Any gynecologists here? May be TMI.?

I know I need to go to one but until I do I have need of to know something.

I have been itching down within and I looked and on the side there are like these little cuts or scratch and it keeps on itching. I also have resembling something is itching in between like the vagina and the butt, approaching the middle.

Anyways any one know what it could be? I am making an appointment but I just want an idea.

Thank You.

Answers:    If you're sexually moving you could be allergic to your partner.
You could be allergic to your soap, your shaving cream, your laundry detergent. I have had it a few times and i reccomend a iaper unthinking cream or something, like Desitin..
First, I'm not a gynecologist. Second, the cuts and scratches may be in attendance because you keep scratching the itchy parts (maybe surrounded by your sleep if you've been refraining during the day). Third, itching can be a symptom of several different things (i.e. yeast infection, STD, general uncleanliness of that nouns, wiping back to front, etc.), so the individual way to know for sure what's wrong is to go to the doctor. Be fully honest next to your OB/GYN; what they don't know can hurt you. Scratches...itching..sounds like your sex partner had long DIRTY finger nail...eeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww. If there is no discharge, it could just be irritation from the scratch. all means, please still dance to your GYN..
cut your fingernails ewww.. just go contained by

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