Vaginal itching?

I have recently be experiencing vaginal itching. I have no abnormal discharge and no smell. It is also sore to the touch. It can't be an STD, as I'm a virgin. I also haven't be using any different detergents etc. that could be causing any irriation. I've looked up yeast infections and it doesn't seem to fit. Do you own any idea what this could be?

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IT SOUNDS LIKE A YEAST INFECTION but you may want to check with a dr. you can buy otc products for this or try plain yogurt , moinstat is a upright one also you can buy 3 day or 7 day or 1 time use

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You can develop an allergy at any time to anything. Take a hip bath, add some baking soda and see if the itch goes away.

Different types of infections:

Signs of yeast infections:
White, cottage cheese-like discharge
Swelling and niggle around the vulva
Intense itching

Signs of bacterial vaginosis:
A white, gray or yellowish vaginal discharge
A fishy odor that is strongest after sex or after washing beside soap
Itching or burning
Slight redness and swelling of the vagina or vulva

Signs of trichomoniasis
A watery, yellowish or greenish bubbly discharge
An unpleasant odor
Pain and itching when urinating
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i have this too sometimes. mine is in recent times from clothes rubbing funny or riding a bike... i know when this happens to me its not due to an infection- as there surrounded by no deep burning or odor. I like to use vagisil. i've be using it for years and it usually just takes 2-3 applications of cream for unchanging relief.

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I don't think it's a yeast infection, as you would stipulation a lumpy, smelly discharge. I am not sure what to tell you.

Period Question?

maybe you freshly need to take a shower
not within a bad way haha but I don`t know you
didnt wash all the sope out of it or something
sometimes pad can make that happen as ably
good luck

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id pop in your doc
i'm kinda going through the same exact thing

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