Does ovulation touch more close to a cramp, close to a interval cramp, or a sharper torment?

I have this pain contained by my side today. Not like a cramp. Just a pain that comes fitfully throughout today, usually when i stand up or move too fast. It's pretty sharp but not nearly bad adequate to go to the doc right now.

(I've Never have ovulation cramps before. Thought i was pregnant concluding month but had some very muted bleeding 9 days late. Neg test. But dark areolas still, nausia, headache, etc. Could be just me? Doc appointment on May 9th)

Soo confused.dont know whats going on?

I'm ovulating now and I own sharp pains on my right side so I looked it up and some women get that. It said that it most likely occur every few cycles. You can also get bloated and feel nausea when this happen

Healthy..or not?

I get those pains all month long. I am not sure what they could be but adjectives I know is the doctors keep telling me I hold cysts on my ovaries and that is normal. I am not sure how average it is supposed to be to have these things but that may be the problem. My pains are usually really sharp and can happen when I stand, sit, or sleep. Sometimes it is so sharp that I enjoy to keep completely still until it goes away. When you walk to the doctor's please let me know what they say, it may be similar. Wish I could be of more help out.

Having genital "itch" that cannot be diagnosed. Going Nuts!?

ovulation can cause pain surrounded by some women and can vary from a slight twinge to very sharp pains. However if your ending cycle was late could be something more to it. Might want to try to take an apt before the 9th if pain continues.

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i have the exact same thing! it has nil to do with ovulation apparently, but my doctor told me to cover all exposed skin (except my frontage and neck) when i sleep.

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**** sugaring! why isnt it working, Waxing alternative.?
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