Vagina get smaller? penis too big?

Ok, this is kind of a weird query, but I'm hoping someone can help me out. My husband is kind of big (penis size), but we own always had great sex. I hold to be really turned on for him to go all the path in, but it is possible.

Recently, the last 3-6 days, he have only been competent to go about half-way within, when he is on top and then it feels resembling he's pushing me (inside) and it hurts. We found that if we turn around (he's behind .. basically), then he can shift all the way surrounded by, like normal.

I've feel inside with my fingers and everything feels middle-of-the-road and I don't have any "strange symptoms" or anything like that. I've hear the some people have an inverted vagina, but it seem unlikely that mine would "change" all of a sudden.

I have a extraordinarily mild UTI (urinary track infection) right now and am taking medication. Could this be the culprit? (We haven't had sex for 2 days since I started the medication.) I've have a UTI before and it never affected us similar to this.


Sorry, I cannot answer with any certainty answer your ask. However, unless it is now in possession of some smaller, after it did not get smaller. It may have BECOME smaller, but I doubt it. There probably is a coppers in natural lubrication which would tender the sensation of change in size. There are commercial products which may serve.

My mom other told me not to help yourself to a go in swimming when i'm on my length or sit down within the river. Why is that?

It's most probably ok, but you your vagina is 'curved' sorta like the bottom half of an upside down 'j'. This could be the pretext. I hope this helps!

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MAybe but I cant tell you becasue I hold never been in this situation

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