Unusually large spell?

I am 23 and my period has never be very troublesome. Its always in good time, and I don't ever get cramps. Well, last month my interval was over a week late, but afterwards it was normal length and burden. And this month it started right on time (today) but I have be having horrible cramps like I've never have before and very substantial bleeding. I am just wondering if this is normal or if it is end in for concern? It just seems strange that it would be ordinary for all this time, and now I am have these things happen. What can cause a spell to be unusually heavy with extra cramping? Or is that a moment ago normal and I just don't know it?

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Well, it is unexpected that you had it so easy formerly. I am 17. When I started my period at the age 12, I didn't have cramps as capably. But my period started to show signs of cramps when I was 14-15 up until in a minute. I always have insupportable cramps before I get my term, and my flow is unbelievably heavy, seems similar to it is going down the faucet. No matter what it is, I don't think it is a motivation for concern, maybe the symptoms just displayed on you after that in life. But it is unexpected, and you were so lucky to have it uncomplicated. I am jealous.

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im not sure but sounds kinda like the ask i asked check it out maybe it will help

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You want to make an appt. with a gyn soon. I didn't own
anything that abnormal, unless I had a problem. I be on the
pill, and I developed a problem of heavier bleeding after
awhile and clotting and cramping to where I couldn't stand for
the pain. I have to be evaluated and the specialist discovered
I had some abnormalities and he did a biopsy and a scrape
which returned my periods back to usual. This happened
also late surrounded by my life when I began going through the switch.
I had to get stale the pill in my younger years due to having
trouble beside them changing my periods for the worst. I be
even bleeding on and off the pill before I be told to get off
of them. I be hemmoraging the doctor said. Before all was
said and done, my husband have a vasectomy and that took
care of all of my problems, until that ending period where I be
bleeding so heavily and the doctor did a scraping and it
made me OK finally. I had to be on iron for awhile since I
be so run down from loss of blood.
I hope you get checked out for this before it get worse.
Good luck!

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