This is for women, you know the tie width when getting a bra size fitting can that translation over years.?

When u put on weight, can this increase the band length? or will the band measurement usually stay constant.


It usually increases beside weight does cup size. ;)

Girls, how do you shave down nearby short it itching?

When you but on weight if it is round the bust yes than it can modification as the bigger you are round there is the bigger you Breasts will be.

Hope it helped

Embarrassing examine (women/girls solely please)?

Obviusly it will amendment thats why your supposed to get mesured every year God this is such a stupid question

its close to saying if i put on 100lbs will i look differnt??

Which form of birth control.?? Ring or Patch?

It would increase.

Has anyone else ever feel similar to they hold lost complete control while drinking?

Well I'm pretty sure it would DRASTICALLY change, but if you put on weightiness, the band size would get bigger simply like the rest of your body. Not much bigger, but bigger.
Hope this helped.

Menstrual Help?!?! please?

Yeast Infection?
Help! girl stuff probable condition issue..?
I concluded my perid a few days the order of friday to b exact..i have some discharge today w a small black spoting?
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