Tampon Trouble??????

I am 14 years old. I told my mom I wanted to try tampons so she get me a huge pack at costco. I read the directions, but everytime i try to put one in, it either get halfway in and i cant procure it in any further, or it becomes aching and uncomftorable when i try to insert it. I really want to wear tampons but this is such a hassle. Does anyone have any tips that will make this process easier and smaller quantity painful?

Answers:    The ones with plastic applicators *definitely* gross things easier for girls who've never used tampons before... but once you know how, anything that's comfortable to wear will be easy to insert.

Helpful warning (beyond the semi-useless package directions)? Yeah... just three things:

1) Aim the tampon more towards your wager on than upwards... your vagina actually goes *back* for more than partly of its length, not just up.

2) It'll be easier to do the first time if things are slippery "down there", so don't wipe away any blood and stuff until you've got the tampon within place. If there's very little blood there, newly smear a couple of drops of saliva on the tip of the tampon (or its applicator if it has one) and it'll make things seriously more comfortable.

3) Relaxation is important. If relaxing isn't easy for you, try pushing a moment ago a little bit as if you're trying to poop or pee... your pelvic muscles will relax a bit and that will help a *lot*.

There's an OK video instruction in the order of it at
... just click on the "click here" link surrounded by the third paragraph of the page..
I hope that you're not trying to start out with the Super absorbancy tampons. For now, you probably should try the regular or, I believe they even have thin ones. The plastic applcator is also better for inserting it.

Did you try lifting one leg up onto the top of the toilet form while your other leg is flat on the floor and then try to insert it that way?

Also, if you enjoy a very light spell, it will be harder to insert since there is little moisture. The same will result when you remove it, if there is just about anything on it. It won't be as easy as when you have more blood on it.

Of course, mortal tense can constrict the muscles up there too and that can also be the raison d`??tre of your problem. The first couple of times are the hardest. I remember my hands shaking when I first tried tampons..
well your probably using applicators am i right?
if you are, the little ridgy segment the you hold on to, you have to gently push that up contained by your vag until your fingers that are holding it touch the opening of your vag. you want to push toward your back, slightly to your tailbone kinda, and push the tampon out of the applicator.
but while your doing this, you entail to relax! or else it will be hard to gain anything in there! so simply breathe and don't be all tense.

oh and purely for your warning, if it gets self-conscious its not in far enenoughyou shshouldn'te able to have a feeling it at all,except the first time if your can kinda notice it surrounded by you, its your first time and its uncomfortableor everyone the first time. if its really uncomfortable i you, take it out, but it will HURT. because its dry and fluffy. so be as vigilant as you can putting it in and you should be fine :)

good luck! :).
ok im 13 so i know how you perceive.The first i tried to wear tampons the same thing happen to me.I got it half opening in and then i feel like something was blocking it and it become akward putting i in so i stopped.However putting it in can get the impression akward but its not suppused to hurt.Mabey your putting iit in thhe wrond direction. Spread out ur legs far apart on the toilet and find your hole.Then if you use the appilcater aim it in the direction and push the tube so the tampon get inserted.If you dont use the appicalter then im guessing your using ur fiingers.For inserting it with your fingers sit down matching way find ur hole and arch your back.Also relax for bot ways.It is come and go importent to relax because if you dont then ur muscles tense up and is harder to insert it.But anyway push it contained by towards your lower back.Once you relax and practice u sould be ok.It is just finding your direction.Haha.Anyway i tryed tampons but i dont use them but i feel i might try again.anyway good luck and i hope this helps!
your friend and best of luck!
its probably because the ones your mam have bought you are too big and absorbent . try the smallest ones for your first time and with applicator is easiest . i have trouble when i first started and what really helped me was putting some vaseline on the tip to backing it slide in more easily for the first few times . http://womenshealth.about.com/cs/azhealt...


Hopefully these links will help you. I'm sure they're the best. If wearing tampons will be really discomfited, I suggest you wear pads. Good Luck.
Read the packet instructions carefully again.

Sometimes when you are childish, you may not be able to use them. You may have to grow a bit to be capable of use tampons. .
That happens to me sometimes. You just enjoy to like tilt it back towards your posterior some when you insert it. And relax, if your tense it won't go contained by. um.. OH. If your area is dry it won't go contained by very easily.

Hope this help.

it will probably hurt the first few times you use them. Try the smallest size possible. Then when you take that one out which back to wad and etc. Until its confurablt to use tampons all the time. Make sure to put one of your legs up and one on the floor. Place it on the toilet or something. Breath and relax. Tampons aren't that great for you anyways. If it doesn't work stick to pads..
when it get stuck try a different angle. read teh directions again. i believe that it tells you to push another way if stuck.

and yes it will hurt if its not adjectives the way in.
Try using Tampax Pearls, they are the softest most comfortable tampons ever. I love them but u can also put KY jelly around it or a markedly thin coat of vasiline so that it will slide right in short any problems You should try the slender applicators first. The plastic ones. Just move it a litte and push..
try a smaller 1 when ur not On - and build up to a larger one - so it streches if you see what i mean... SHOVE IT IN THERE, USE UR STRENGTH<3.
i dunno...maybe you put it within the wrong place.

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