Tampon relieve!?

ok im rly scared to sleep with a tampon on cuz im afraid not a hundred percent get tss. i mean cant u one and only have them on for 7 to 8 hours? i usually dont sleep that long but occassionally i do. so should i wear them to bed or what?!

Umm kinda embarasing..how do i...?

nah, there's nothing to be so upset about. i've slept with tampons surrounded by overnight a couple of times, and i'm fine. i wouldn't recommend you do it all the time, and if you're nervous, merely don't use tampons too much. that's what i do. but i really think that tss just happen when you're really careless.

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You can look at the directions to confirm this. I did use them at night because if I didn't, I would mess up the sheets, blankets etc.. I made sure that I be able to use them and according to the box it said they could be used at night. Just formulate sure you alternate tampons with pads so you are not wearing tampons 24/7. You can use a wad up until you go to bed then put within a new tampon and when you wake up use a wad. Just a tip. I know how some people bleed very heavily when they capture up because after laying down for awhile, once they wake up the blood that settled within the vagina started coming out and may not leave enough time for the party to get to the bathroom. For me, I bled throuout the night when my body said adequate already. I had constant terrible twinge and really heavy bleeding lasting 10 days to 2 weeks. My hysterectomy be one of the best things I did. I'm not saying you need a hysterectomy but only just saying that I ended up using tampons during sleep because I know that I had read or seen on T.V. that it be safe to do so. I believe the time one can wear one during the night is 8 hours. If someone sleeps for more than 8 hours they should get up up and remove the tampon. If your flow is very minimal a pad would be best so that you are not wearing a tampon during the dark only to wake up and own to use a pad when you really want to use a tampon. Hope this helps.
Tampons should not be worn for discharge single. They should be used during menstruation. If used for discharge the tampons can dry up the vagina and prevent the vagina from naturally cleansing itself. Here is a link more or less discharge and tampons. They should not be worn for discharge only. They should only be used during menstruation. http://www.beinggirl.com/en_US/questiond...

Here is also another knit about when someone wears tampons when they are not menstruating. http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/consumer/tampons...
"Vaginal dryness and ulcerations may come to pass when women use tampons more absorbent than needed for the amount of their menstrual flow. Ulcerations have also be reported in women using tampons between menstrual periods to try to control excessive vaginal discharge or out of the ordinary bleeding. Women may avoid problems by choosing a tampon with the minimum absorbency needed to control menstrual flow and using tampons only during involved menstruation."

Another link about tampons and ways to exhaust TSS. Note how they say tampons should not be worn to absorb non-menstrual vaginal discharge.http://www.tampax.co.uk/tss-menstruation...

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TSS is almost non-existent in a minute. I know they still put the scary warning label on the box, but tampons are made of much safer materials than when they were first invented. It is perfectly undamaging to sleep with a tampon in, even if you sleep for longer than 8 hours. Just translation it when you get up in the morning as usual.

2 question?

I wouldnt do it and if I have daughters I would not let her either. use a wipe and wear some old panties and jammies just within case of leaks. A honourable trick I learned over the years is if you move alot in your sleep the wipe shifts and to conquer this wear a panty girdle (those snug panties that help hide tummy pouches)because they hold the wipe close to the body so not a much shifting.

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ok honey here's the deal...toxic shock syndrome is caused by a build up of germs that causes an infection. your best bet to avoid infection is to use the lowest absorbency tampon that will best handle ur flow. for example, if ur flow is insubstantial to regular, u don't want to use a super. also, make sure u wash ur hand before and after u change. u may also want to switch up...wipe for day, tampon for night or vice poetry. just so u know, the chances of getting tss enjoy be drastically reduced since manufacturers have changed what tampons are made of to decline the amount of absorbency. go w/ur gut hon...if ur not comfortable wearing them over night.don't. but i really don't muse u have much to worry roughly speaking...

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you can if you want to, but if you're not comfortable then don't. Or else you'll be too busy worrying about TSS to sleep and no sleep+girl on her period=no fun for anyone around her
I basically simply wear a tampon during the day and a pad when I shift to sleep. Simple as that.

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Personally I have taken the risk of sleeping with a tampon and have no side effects BUT every woman is different, so I wouldn't suggest it, the warning is there for a basis, just use a pad overnight, and shower surrounded by the morning.

Weird discharge?

you wont get tss from wearing to bed. but if you dont have to wear one, dont, wear a wad, its that simple. OR wear a small tampon and a pad.rather than the "super absorbant"

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it is suggested that you don't wear one to bed, for that intention...so I would avoid it if possible, you don't want to take a risk

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Never, never, never, never, never, EVER wear tampons to bed! Ever! That preventive is on the box for a reason! I've has TSS earlier. It's nothing to play with.

Help what is wrong next to me?

you'll be fine! merely set an alarm for 8 hours after you go to bed incase you dont wake up within time..! then you can just adjust it and even possibly go back to bed! goood luck!

I'm tardy..?

i other wear them to bed, and i've never had tss. i wouldn't worry in the region of it that much.

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i have slept with one for 12 hours and i enjoy never gotten TSS.
i think you're safe.

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no don't wear them to bed.. It's not worth the risk..

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What I usually do is set my alarm, so I know I'll get up up to change it. Especially when my flow is pretty heavy I requirement to.

Is it majority 4 it 2 appropriate this long?

wear a pad to sleep

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yes! nothing to verbs about!! when im not on my period i hold them in to feel cleaner-i dance 15 hours-the tss is very rare

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no dont wear them i would not risk it its not worth it abominate pads but i wouldnt try my luck either.

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Well i call for some assistance..?
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