TaMpOn HeLp?

im new to tampons cause i really be liking the thin pad but want to try something new and see how it goes. my flow is exceptionally heavy and often, and heres a few things i look for:
-easy to insert and remove
-absorbant and no leak

also, at my crazy school we get out after 6 hours, and ego end up wearing it for a about 9 hours from adjectives my rides and waits (im in the city) and i be wondering about if i would get TSS from wearing it 9 hours? i know im self dumb but i just worry in the order of stuff.

thanks for all your suggestions!

Should I be concerned?

in attendance are alot of great tampons out there. the best to start of with that i found be kotex regulars but always make sure the are plastic insert not cardboard. the more you acquire to using them the more you can experiment using maybe a bigger size for your heavier flow. and as for the school they own to let you go to th bathroom and TSS is severely rare but you should never leave a tampon surrounded by for more than 6 to 8 hours.

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I would just change it within your last class. Carry around a purse or keep surrounded by it a safe pouch. Then in your second class ask to go to the bathroom, take it next to you and change it. Then go pay for to class. You can get an infection if you don't. Also I like pearl, and if you hold a heavy flow , get a larger sized tampon.

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you shouldnt wear a tampon for more than 8 hours, and if your flow is really that sweet, its not gonna last that long anyway. id stick to the pad while you are at school. maybe try tampons on the weekend or evenings or something. i resembling tampax pearl. but playtex sport are good too. also remember that the risk of t.s.s. increases w/ higher absorbancies. so try to avoid the super pouring ones. and change often.

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You shouldn't wear a tampon more than 8 hours, progress to the tampon and towel section of the shop and look for the right tampon. If i were you i'd obtain a tampon with the applicator because it is hard enought.

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freshly try it.. if it doesnt work 4 you.. then ask to go batroom and bring a wad wit you... and take it out and like trow it away and ue the wad...


tampax makes like pear something or other they are nice
usually u gain tss from wearing it like 24hrs but u still could

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first of all, you won't take tss with just 9 hours. most tampon boxes right to be heard 8 hours for a precaution, but try not to go over 8, just to be out of danger. and also you can change out tampons while at school. everyone does it. and since you're pretty pouring, your tampon probably won't last 9 hours. my period is also pretty thickset and i can wear a super plus (the biggest size) and it won't last me all the 8 hours when i'm at my heaviest point contained by my period. come good brands are playtex (especially the playtex sport, it's made specifically for when you're going to be really helpful, like in sports), tampax pearl is well-mannered too. i'm pretty sure those are both plastic. try to stay away from the cardboard ones at first cause the applicator is just the cotton instead of the plastic applicatior specifically on the playtex ones, so it can be kinda hard to put the tampon in. so yea a moment ago follow the intructions that come with the box and you'll be all obedient. good luck and i hope this helped. :)

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Should i wear a tampon?
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