Vagina problems?

snice i was small I always have white milkey discarge some times it has an odor not bad but it of late smells wired what can i do to stop it my undies are always getting wet it's vrey uncomtable because i can fell it coming donw sustain me please I know it's nasty but help

Missed Period!! Freaking out?

thats if truth be told not unusual at all. you can try wearing pantie liners to stop the wetness, and keep hold of from staining your underwear, and some are scented too.

Has anyone ever be to a uroligist? Scared to step have need of some proposal?

every woman has discharge, its your bodies passageway of getting rid of bad bacteria so its in fact a good thing. also, it will alter in appearance, sometimes it may be clear, white or even yellowy/brown. this can simply be down to when you are in your monthly cycle. it will sometimes smell stronger than others too. this is also associated to your cycle. panty liners (which are small and discreet plus you can even get ones that can be worn near thongs if you prefer). can help save wetness and smell, close to pads do during your periods.

however, if your discharge have changed and is different to how it used to be in either smell or appearance, pop in your doctor. likewise if it is becoming a major problem or source of unease.

the most important thing lastly, if nearby is any chance you could have a sexually transmitted disease/infection, you must seize tested ASAP. its slightly embarrassing, but better than having a potentially life span threatening disease, i know thats worst case scenario. if you live in uk, you can call on your local GUM (genito urinary medicine) clinic, they are clinics which only do sti checks & your doctor doesnt even have to know. they can even submission on site councelling if needed. the downside is they often have waiting list of a few weeks.

hope this helps!! x

Is nearby any style of delay a term from starting bar using the Pill?

If the discharge smells and is accompanied by itching, later you have a yeast infection. This is easily treated by over-the-counter products approaching Monistat. To help keep it from getting worse, wear loose cotton underwear and hang on to the area clean and dry.
I also suggest you see a gynecologist, which is a doctor who specialized contained by the female reproductive system.

What is oestoroporosis ? can it artificial a women 8months after getting removed her utrus?

Hi sweetie. It sounds like you enjoy a yeast infection.

Before another day goes by, travel to your pharmacy. Where they sell feminine products (tampons and pads) you will find products like Monistat, or Mycelex. Doesn't concern what you buy, they are pretty much the same stuff. Some are more expensive than others but work as well. Some are cures contained by one day and you'll pay more, other's run a week and you'll pay less, but they adjectives work.

I would buy some panty liners to wear and always enjoy 2 or 3 in your purse to change if you necessitate to until this clears up.

Otherwise, if all is not well within a week, you need to see your MD. Perhaps you have a vaginal infection that take an antibiotic that only he can prescribe.

Good luck
I am an RN

Can anyone facilitate me this is a bit mortifying??

Women normally own some amount of discharge. You can buy panty liners for about a dollar at walmart. They are slight and not bulky and can protect your pantys. If it begins to have a doomed to failure odor or is a large amount, see your doctor. Other than that, you're normal.

Wot is a tounge tornado ? x?

That's completely middle-of-the-road. All women have discharge. Sometimes during the month it's heavier than others. When you're ovulating, you'll have a white discharge. Don't sweat it.

Tampon Troubles?

That's really normal. Every woman has that. It isn't hurtful; it's part of being a woman. Just wear a pantyliner if it bothers you alot.

Can someone support me?

A physician can better diagnose you. You might enjoy an infection. You can wear a panty liner to help keep your underpants dry. Good luck.

Help, adjectives test refusal?

A physician can better diagnose you. You might hold an infection. You can wear a panty liner to help keep your underpants dry. Good luck.
upright luck xoxox

Is sea (like surrounded by the shower or something) a appropriate lubricant for...?

If you are a girl,
then you have vaginal discharge.

It's logic.

If you really chew over there is a problem,
then dance see your doctor.

Vaginal cramp?

Use pantyliners when this occurs, it's just a innate occurance that you really can't control

Can a girl obtain pregnant from masturbating?

First of all you should have your doctor check for any infection, and buy underware thats crotch is made of 100% cotton.
Good Luck.

For women who've taken Ortho-Tricyclen/Tri-Sprintec?

See your doctor and within the meantime wear a panty liner so you are more comfortable.

Help?! Left tampon inside for more than 8 hours!?

whats wrong with you

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When girls are pleasured do they draw from a consciousness they hold to pee?

yeast infections

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doctor and stop telling us just about it.

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