Can u explain why females are sexist towards their own considerate, when men are already oppress them satisfactory?


*By ultrasound, in China if the fetus found to be a female, they abort it.

*Between 100 and 140 million girls and women contained by the world are estimated to have undergone female genital mutilation and 3 million girls are estimated to be at risk of undergo female genital mutilation every year. Female genital mutilation has be documented in 28 countries in Africa and surrounded by several countries in Asia and the Middle East.

*In America women are brainwashed to think their worth is base on their looks and if they mutilate their bodies and stick silicone in them, they would be worth more.

KY warm ~ Not melt ample.other suggestions?

It's a sick world. People tend to be vain and unhappy beside what they have because they go by what others read aloud to them OR they read about how this feature is doomed to failure or that feature is bad and they tend to believe it.

I remember when I be a teenager I wanted to look close to the model in the magazines because someone told me that I be ugly and it was my dream to be divine and have stylish clothing.
I think it's like peas in a pod way with varying body parts and they tend to think that's what men will like. If explicitly all a man likes them for consequently he's a loser

as far as aborting baby girls to be exact just brutal. They do it because they want boys to have the home name be carried on

Why don't I savour sex? someone please minister to me!?

In Asian countries, having a son is the most crucial thing. Women are for procreation only, sons transport on the family name and the inherited business. It's cultural. Same as with female genital mutilation. One entry you have to realize with this is that it is NOT volentary! They are drugged, held down and it is done against their will. As far as the USA, the medium and hollywood tell women that a woman has to hold big boobs to be beautiful. BUT they also have to be a size 2. Girls are told they're monstrous, and if they're told enough, then they believe it, so they do anything they can to be excepted. Here it is a self-esteem issue.

I'm Late!!?

I'm going to stick with the America part of your interrogate. It has been proven that beautiful and/or tall people certainly make more $$$ than their shorter or thinner counterparts. Women are brainwashed because so much value is placed on looks and solidity in the media. It of late depends on if a person has a large enough self-esteem to believe in their own worth and whether or not they know that they are a apt person to know that they are valuable short buying into the "brainwashing".

Is the nuva ring methon of birth control lately as significant as the pill? [ortho evra]?

I only know my own country, so I won't comment on the others.

I think it would be social conditioning. The political and legally recognized excuses stopped working and the media took a massive hold on the people. If you can't control society one way, look for another. Take anyone and everyone a person respects or appreciates and portray them how you want other general public to act. The 'everyone doing it' approach. Make it the norm, criticise the alternative, and the people will drop in line. Nobody requests to stand alone.

Yasmin, Yaz, or Loestrin?

Because Chinese women are mostly brainwashed by thier imperilaist society that has fooled them onto this strange outlook..
Soon there will be no chinese...
Women do endow with birth to all the men right?

Period PAINS?

i dont rly get the details to your cross-examine lol!

why do you rly care? just consent to them stick the silicone up their *** or in their breast if it makes them get the impression better then why not?

What help growth?im a young person and im a lacto-vegetarian.?

Women are mostly dependent on men in most countries and own to toe the line to survive.

Are lubricated condoms better than regular?

It's alllll about realm honey.

Lybrel? Experiences?

well men basically form their opinion

HELP Fast?

Just want to know how should one start yoga.(is in attendance any yoga or excersize for pregnent women)?
I'm 14 year ripened girl and I involve some masturbation tips/help.?
Can this cyst on my ovarys be cause my cramp?
  • Does the birth control patch really work ?
  • I used to be on birth control and.?

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