Soreness around my genitals?
oh bumps or actual sores. it is a bit red kind of inflamed. Any design or advice you ahve is greatly appreciated. I plan on making an appointment with my dr. surrounded by the next day or two, so i dont requirement answers telling me to see my dr. I jsut am curious as to waht could be going on befor ei can actually capture in to see the DR. Well thanks!
Answers: It sounds approaching you have some kind of infection. Probably a yeast infection from what is sounds approaching. I would try to get into the doctor and get it checked out. There is also over the counter prescription you can take for that. Try taking a hot bath next to Epson Salt I had something like what you are discussion about and that helped deeply with the irritation. Try to keep it dry down in attendance too..
you might have a STD and not even know it (like Chlamydia). You may also have a really unpromising yeast infection too. just keep your appointment beside your doc, and be honest when ya go in. if it's your first time to own sex, then the blood was your hymen breaking...