So i own this feminine friend, and i inevitability some assist figure her out...sexually...

I need to figure out something give or take a few my roommate, and i need opinions.
I'm 23 and my roomie is 20. I'm a black guy and she is Latina and as Americanized as you can bring back just about. We are intimate together but not really within a relationship, but some things are just bothering me. oh yeah, and she is a scorpio if that helps.

-She *tries and rushes sex...and doesn't really get hold of into it at all. I mean she moans close to she likes it, sorta...but, i don't know, somehow she's not really into it. She says I'm too big, but even after a home cooked feast when i gave her a message with grease and lit candles and loosened her up(and i know she was loose) she still wasn't THAT into it.
-She says she's ashamed of how frequent people she's had sex near...which is somewhere is the 20's...and she ACTS slutty. But...she has no sex drive, adjectives. I mean i don't judge ethnic group, and through all the bs, she is actually a kewl chick. I a moment ago understand that aspect of a person to feat like a slut...essentially be one, but not have any existing sex drive.

Some may say, maybe she's newly not into it because she's not into me...and although now that may be true(we've had a falling out :/ ) She's attacked me more than once and is other saying I'm sexy or whatever family do when they're into I don't think that's the case.

She have mentioned on occasion that her mom used to yell at her dad when he be in the room with her alone and similar things indicating that she may hold some messed up family conditioning or early sexual confession issues going on which might explain a lot. Though she says her dad have never done anything to her...

anyway, what are your thoughts? I've been told Scorpios in nonspecific aren't good lovers, lol. and they tend to rush it a lot so possibly it's just her...who knows; perchance it's me as well.

Answers:    Well I don't know anything about horoscopes or anything, but sometimes associates who are slutty actually have a low sex drive because they are used to it. When it's something special that you don't experience hugely often, it heightens the drive. She may in recent times be bored with sex in broad, it may have nothing to do beside you personally.
Maybe you should try to spice things up in the bedroom. Try a investigational position, or maybe some role play if you are into those kinds of things.
I judge she is not into it because of her past. Women are aroused on an emotional stratum more than a physical or visual level. She have lost part of what makes her a woman..intimacy. probley.
Honestly, you and her are not going to work out at any horizontal, long-term. ? 2 long 4 Y/A.
i say both of you stop having sex until you both can numeral things out. also and i'm not trying to preach i'm just showing you a side of things.

what if one night you guys finished up having drunk sex and she found out she was pregnant. its not really natural to bring a baby into the world with parents who arent even together. who only just have sex for the fun of it. thats why i believe sex should be shared between people who are contained by a strong relationship

haha wow i'm so happy you pointed me out =D

like i said up to that time i wasnt preaching. i was just letting you know your not invinciable and things close to that can happen.

first of all never underside anything on the zodaic
and second maybe like you said she's ashamed of her historic lovers
i mean growing up i did some stuff like that next to people who weren't into it and well its because to them sex is only just sex like to me because my parents fighted a lot i hold a point of view thinking marriage is discouraging and no love stays forever
but maybe a different person have a different view on that you know.
i'm sure it has zilch to do with her astrological sign.

she might have issues mortal intimate

or she might not like sex that much and acts slutty because she think she should enjoy it.

idk, and it sounds like you don't know any. let her figure out her issues on her own.
your too big-lol...dude do you know how far-reaching and deep you can stretch a vagina? too big is a bunch of crud, but anyways, who cares how she feel right? sorry to break the truth but she's just a hoe, so who really cares if she's into it or not if she requirements it hit it and quit until next time she's in the mood. its not the certainty she doesn't have a sex drive.i believe because she has have a lot of sex she has lost the the sensual aspect of sex surrounded by sure you're not doing anything sure she enjoys because she wouldnt be doing it within the first place...theres really nothing you can do other than consult to her about her experiences and figure out why she exactly rushes it...conceivably its like food...if you have profoundly of hotdogs eventually you are eventually gonna get burned out...

get luck guy

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