Personal girls question(girls only)?

ok so i was wondering about wat is the right bra size for a 12 year dated girl. i, anywhere from 5''2 - 5''3. and im about 95 pounds. ive started growin boobs at age 10. so i was wondering in the order of wat do you think is the right bra size. cuz like i perceive like im soo small cuz all my other friends that are my age adjectives have bigger boobs than me. and some of them wear b's and c's. when im still in an a.

Answers:    Uhmm idk , but geeze . Your heckka skinny ! No wonder you hold small boobs (x ..
It's ok to be an A cup. That's the right size for you based on your body type description. You see... in the world we live today, we're brain wash to want to be like the people we see on TV or billboards etc, which are completely computer-generated. I was the same road at your age, and pretty much my entire life. There's no shame. Look at the bright side of it... at 40 or 50, your boobs wont sag. lol But hey, relations who truly care about you will similar to you and accept you for who you are. So go on and be joyful with what you got. Hun, everyone starts growing at a different age. I have a friend who didn't start growing until she was about 14, and very soon shes a full D cup. We all grow at different rates and start at different ages and we continue to grow throughout our teens. Some stay A cups, some enjoy double D's, some start early and end rash, others start late and continue to grow. Its adjectives normal..
i'm almost 13, so around your age. anyway, i can wear a 34 b & c. you wear an a because you're so skinny. i weigh 110 pounds. so maybe thats why i'm bigger. but, adjectives girls are different depending on weight,nutrition,genes, etc. don't worry. you're lone 12, like me, so, you will grow more, trust me :]

go answer mine?;...
Those girls beside the bigger than b's will probably end up with a breast downgrading some day because of back misery. If you are worried about boys and if they will like you, some will and some won't. It doesn't concern what your breast size is. Your body will know how big to make them.. breast size varies for everybody. what is right for someone else isn't going to be right for you. don't verbs so much. you will probably end up having a chest size similar to your moms or your aunts. and whats wrong beside small boobs? at least they wont sag when you attain older..
there is no right bra size. your boobs will be the size they intend to be. You do sounds rather skinny, checkout with a doc if you are underweight for your height and age, if explicitly true then being underweight might donate to having smaller boobs. Its ok to have A cup. I have a friend she was still a A cup with 20. What she did be get those water bras to form them look a lil bigger. So if you feel bad going on for them being so small just attain some padded bras or those water bras. Good luck!.
I'm 13 and 5'3 and a 36b.
you are super skinny though.
I'm 115 pounds and get through good and exercise a lot.
I be flat chested up until about half a year ago.
Just be forgiving and eat (:!.
everyone growns at different rates. im thirteen anddd i've been my sameee little a cup for the longest while ALL of my friends but one areee b's anddd superior. one is even a d. there's a lot of freakin twelve year olds on here

i personally conjecture your too young to be worrying about the size of your boobs, simply get over the fact that you grow slower than some other girls.
ably different girls have differ. boobs size well at ur age the avg. size is 32 or 33 if u own greater than it then try to overcome this People have different size boobs. That's life span. There is no set boob gage for girls..
maybe A 32. or A 34.

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