Smoking and birth control?

I smoke like maybe once a month for simply social reasons. No more than that. Is this a huge risk? Is occasionally smoking really all that unpromising with birth control pills?

Answers:    I'm a smoker, I won't tell you how fruitless smoking is because I'm sure you already know. (I hate it when people influence it to me)

About your question. They say it's risky to smoke if you're on BC pills. It is risky but everyone is different. My uncle's wife is a smoker (smokes one pack a day) and take BC pills for about 15 years now. Nothing happen to her. That does not mean nothing will come up to you, of course but you get the point..
Okay, first bad, it may not be that huge of a risk, but over time it could be slowly decreasing the effectiveness of your birth control. Also, if you can even admit to yourself, and other millions of those that you only smoke for "social reasons" then its not that esteemed to you, or your health and you dont need to be doing that to your own body purely because others think its cool. Even at times when you may think its cool, its not, and it really wont be cool when your birth control isnt working for you after you become pregnant, and start sharing your bad habits beside an unborn child all because you just looked-for to be "cool". I don't think you have anything to verbs about.. I mean everyone is different.. but most of my friends smoke over a pack a hours of daylight and are on the pill and nothing's happened.. but once again everyone is different. So just take care!.
The incidence of cancer in women over 30 who take the pill and smoke is highly developed. Though no amount of smoking is good for you, I don't think it is a huge risk. Don't smoke, your shortening your energy. .
NO only if you are over the age of 35, and smoke a pack a day...

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