I enjoy lots of discharge! Please give a hand
Answers: Yeah, I just started mine and I am pretty much impossible to tell apart as you ;) I know everyone says it but BE PREPARED, and if you get any cramps or anything later don't go swimming lol
Good Luckxx.
Yes... I had alike thing. Your height and bust size hold nothing to do with it. To be on the sheltered side, start carrying a pad in your purse or pocket. Do Not use a tampon for atleast a few years, as your body have been collecting blood since you were born and contains alot of germs which can cause Toxic Shock Syndrome. well,i am 11 and i capture discharge like every day and if you enjoy hair on your legs,arms,pubic area,and boobs later you are in puberty and yes you might get your time..
it's possible. lots of discharge is normal for young women. dont verbs about it. if you're really concerned, consult a doctor. your normal !
you should be starting your spell very soon !
welcome to womanhood :).
ooo you nouns hot.