Tampons DO NOT WORK?

i am so embarrassed to ask this that i made a new email. :(

tampons DO NOT work for me i swear i hold gone through 3 boxes and they just don't fit
sorry for the details but they go resembling 1/3 of the way up and just stop approaching i hit a bone or something.. i've tried the smallest kind and they dont work.. i am a hardcore cheerleader and i refuse to hang on to practicing with pads << they are resembling DIAPERS and it is just absolutely DISGUSTING to pretty much permit your blood sit there eww :(

i want to go to the doctor but as you can see, im even embarassed to anonymously ask this cross-examine!!

should i go to the doctor?? or would that be weird??

or if anyone know of a PROFESSIONAL video online (not like youtube cuz there are creeps who of late make awkward videos that i am creeped out to see lol) and if so can it be watched on a mac?? cuz i know a lot of them can't

I am a black women, And I've interest that my obverse is getting barker. I'm taking dilacor for high-ranking blood.

let's see. when i started my interval i used a tampon and it well went it fine. only try relaxing some more and use the smallest one first. also try kinda putting it in, in an upwards direction. and i don't meditate the hymen thing has anything to do next to it. because i thought that had to be broken like during sex. and i'm 12 and POSITIVE that i did not enjoy sex lolz. oh yeah and try using a tampon on one of your more heavier days.

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Sounds like your hymen is in the track.. I personally am not quite sure what you can do more or less it apart from go to a doctor just for suggestion and asking your mom. Dont worry its not weird loads of girls hold the same problem and the doctor is the last human being to find it weird. So just try again a couple more times, relay a friend or your mom and get an appointment with a womanly doc. Dont worry you will be fine.

Good luck!

Confusing Period?

i understand how this is embarrasing for you, but srsly
have a word to a close girlfriend or your mom.
itts a partt of life
there are a million other girls who own had this problem.

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talk to your mom just about it and see what she has to say. if that doesnt backing much, go to the doctor and they should help you out. its really not that big of a contract. :)

Latley I've have problems urinating..?

Go see a doctor.

Ask your mom first.

And if you want one more attempt before this get sure you are not placing it in straight up- it should be on an angle twords your lower back.

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Maybe you still enjoy your hymn in contact making it harder to do it.

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I know exactly what you mean. I used to own the exact same problem... I was grossed out and embarrassed by pad, had tried tampons NUMEROUS times (with instructions), and was convinced that in that was something seriously wrong with my vagina or hymen (your hymen does not want to be broken to wear tampons btw).
I finally figured it out one day (after 5 years of wearing pads), and immediately it's just second nature. So this is what worked for me.

It sounds resembling you're just inserting it at an awkward angle so I think if you a short time ago adjusted that you'd be able to procure it in.
What I found easiest is if you kind of bend your knees contained by kind of a squat position, and put it in. A appendage mirror would probably be helpful to you. If it stops, re-work the angle (while that 1/3 is still in) and see how far you can get.
You could unambiguously go to a doctor if you really wanted to. You shouldn't be ashamed though! Remember: that is what they are looking at every single day. It's their post.

Good luck! Don't worry about it, you'll carry it.

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