After C-section bleeding...?

After my c-section(about 2 weeks) I passed a huge clot(Bigger than an egg). I thought it was just a blood clot, but I picked it up(I know it's gross) because it looked really strange. It be thick and different colored. I didn't start bleeding any more than I had already. My quiz is what the heck was it? It didn't look like a blood clot because it didn't enjoy hanging peices on it like blood clots do(they are adjectives knarly and stringy looking) and it was firm and smooth. Sorry if this grosses people out! I enjoy been wondering for some time.

PS. It has be 8 months so now I am fine.

Just want to know how should one start yoga.(is in attendance any yoga or excersize for pregnent women)?

I agree, that's kind of odd (borderline gross). Honestly, it could have been a piece of the placenta that may own been left aft in your uterus. Other than that, I can't imagine what else could be that big. Did you speak about your OB abt that? Anyway, I am sure you are fine now that its 8 months down the road.

I really obligation to pee!! give support to!! ASAP!?

its probly just fluids from the birth

also , congradulations =]

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