Ladies... Open mouth or unambiguous legs ?

Which one do you dread the most ? Dentist or Gynacologist ?

Answers:    That was funny...a little shocking...

dread most? Gyno.
Dentist. the Gyn is done contained by about a minute or two. The dentist scrapes on and on and on.but next, she's really fun to gossip with, too. Which is great fun next to all that stuff in my mouth. Don,t verbs too much about it as you get elder,you,ll take it in your mouth and between your legs beside equal amounts of pleasure..!.
The proctologist.

Open this..
It's spelled Gynecologist or Gynaecologist babe, and that's the one I dread the most. Dentist :(.
DENTISTTT :) I hate going to the gynae, so much that i havent had a smear surrounded by 7.5 years! .
Umm well I have pretty righteous teeth so it would have to be gynacologist . I prefer Open mouth- Clean and no MESS ;)).
Oh I dread the Dentist more than anything else in the world! gyno.
gyno Lol, buh duh - cha (drumset rif). Gyno fo sho.

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