Can anyone let somebody know me ANYTHING give or take a few have a hyperactive thyroid?

I dont know really know what it is and im having more tests to confirm it. How is it treated? will it move about away..? is it serious? Do i have to stop breastfeeding? ANY ANSWERS are helpful.. im really scared and nervous. I appreciate any information or anything anyone have to offer. Thanks!

Women singular please?

Hyperactive means your thyroid is TOO will likely lose weight (even if you don't inevitability to), and your heart could race, and you might feel giddy, but when your hormones are out of whack, you feel awful.

You don't need to stop nursing for immediately...perhaps once they get you on meds to cut your hormone output by the thyroid, they will want you to stop until they bring the numbers into a normal range.

I own plenty of thyroid experience...only mine is hypo, which means under-active..I hold Hashimoto's Disease...basically my immune system began destroying my thyroid.I am also undergo lots of tests, etc...but under-active thyroid runs on both sides of my family, so I am opening too familiar with it.

Don't be terrified, it isn't that big of a medical deal anymore. And for once, good communication on the medicine--they have been using it for more than 50 years, and it is completely cheap...

Good luck, and give that baby a hug for me! I craving mine were small enough to still nurse, but they discourage that surrounded by high school, thank faithfulness! ; )

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The thyroid provides a lot of different functions to the body, but the main one is your personal metabolism. If you hold a hyperactive thyroid, it just means that it is producing a unconscious body chemical that drives your metabolism insanely high, causing you to burn calories easier, but general public with hyperactive thyroids tend to be rather tinny, and the super-boosted metabolism tends to make it strong to gain any weight.

A hypoactive thyroid is where not plenty of the chemical is being produced and these people tend to enjoy a super slow metabolism and gain weight easily.

The doctor will probably run a series of test to make sure that is what it is, and he will probably confer you a shot/pills to counteract the overproduction of the metabolism chemical.

It's nothing to be scared in the order of. In super super bad cases, it can turn into something bad, but you hold nothing to worry more or less if the doctors are just now notice that you might have a slightly hyperactive thyroid.

Women over the age of 50 should go surrounded by for yearly thyroid test checks as it is, only in case. And don't cart my word on this, but I seriously doubt that the hyperactive thyroid will affect you being able to breastfeed your child...but double check near the doctor on that,

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The term hyperthyroidism refers to any condition in which here is too much thyroid hormone in the body. In other words, the thyroid gland is overactive.Thyroid hormone generally controls the tread of all of the processes in the body. This stride is called your metabolism. If there is too much thyroid hormone, every function of the body tend to speed up. It is not surprising then that some of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism are nervousness, irritability, increased perspiration, heart race, hand tremors, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, thinning of your skin, fine brittle hair, and muscular weakness—especially within the upper arms and thighs. You may have more frequent bowel movements, but diarrhea is uncommon. You may lose cargo despite a good appetite and, for women, menstrual flow may lighten and menstrual period may occur less commonly.he most common cause (in more than 70% of people) is overproduction of thyroid hormone by the entire thyroid gland. This condition is also agreed as Graves’ disease . Graves’ disease is caused by antibodies in the blood that stimulate the thyroid to grow and bury too much thyroid hormone. This type of hyperthyroidism tends to run in family, and it occurs more often contained by young women. Little is known something like why specific individuals get this disease. Another type of hyperthyroidism is characterized by one or more nodules or lumps in the thyroid that may little by little grow and increase their activity so that the total output of thyroid hormone into the blood is greater than normal. This condition is prearranged as toxic nodular or multinodular goiter. Also, people may temporarily have symptoms of hyperthyroidism if they enjoy a condition called thyroiditis. This condition is caused by a problem next to the immune system or a viral infection that causes the gland to leak thyroid hormone. It can also be cause by taking too much thyroid hormone in tablet form.If your physician suspects that you have hyperthyroidism, diagnosis is usually a simple event. A physical examination usually detects an enlarged thyroid gland and a rapid pulse. The physician will also look for moist, smooth skin and a tremor of your fingertips. Your reflex are likely to be fast, and your eyes may hold some abnormalities if you have Graves’ disease.

The diagnosis of hyperthyroidism will be confirmed by laboratory test that measure the amount of thyroid hormones— thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3)—and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in your blood. A big level of thyroid hormone in the blood plus a low horizontal of TSH is common with an overactive thyroid gland. If blood test show that your thyroid is overactive, your doctor may want to obtain a picture of your thyroid (a thyroid scan). The scan will find out if your entire thyroid gland is overactive or whether you have a toxic nodular goiter or thyroiditis (thyroid inflammation). A question paper that measures the ability of the gland to collect iodine may be done at the same time.IF you own any more questions dont hesitate to ask.

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