Why do girls own unprotected sex and afterwards bite thier nail til thier eriod comes?

girls you really need to stop being unapprised and get on birthcontrol! how many abortions per year within this country! as if none of you know how babies are made! BC is confidential and even FREE at some places! Maybe then we will see less AM I PREGNANT question!

What do you reason of Curves?

wow that's a strong opion... but many young untrained women come into the clinic thinking that it can't happen to them.. unfortunately near is not enough education out near to prevent this

If you sleep next to a bra on, does it stunt your boob growth?

I agree with you. Even if one smart girl would just travel up to the search box on top and type in what she would want, she'd find THOUSANDS of question on 'am i pregnant' or whatever. Girls who don't know about pre-ejaculate or how their cycles work. If you don't even know the cycle of your extent, if you've only grown breasts in the ending year, if you're having sex because OMG everyone else is doing it too and you don't want to feel moved out out, then you have certainly no business having sex girls. Seriously. It gets irritating answering equal questions over and over and over again. I'm just going to start making a generic answer and keeping it as a word document to only copy and paste. My daughter is 7 and I absolutely horror that in 7 more years that this could be her posting one of these questions and if parents would freshly stop being so tight lipped about sex at home and a short time ago educate their teens, then maybe I wouldn't have had to comfort deliver the baby of an 11 year old purely 2 years ago. Delivering a baby at an age where she could be it's big sister. It's disheartened.

NEED HELP! swollen labia?

Um...I was a birth control baby- my mom took it religiously and I still came along...
Also, birth control really screw some girls up...I had to go to the ER for severe chest pains, I have a horrible red hive on my neck, and cried about everyting. I would fairly risk it with a condom or pull out, later EVER be on birth control again! I know some people do need to be on birth control, but it realllly messes beside you, and a lot of girls just cant bar the emotional and physical side effects.
I agree with you that abortion should not be considered a form of birth control, but birth control is not as simple as it is made out to be...I don`t know condoms should just be more readily available to teens and populace who do not want children?

What does an orgasm have a feeling approaching? How can I detail if I am have one?

this is a message i got on my website about abortion when the topic come up, and hopefully it will stop a few underaged girls from thinking they can just get an abortion for thier stupid decision!
wear a condom girls, or close your damn leggs!

This is what Nurse Shafer saw:

"I stood at the doctor's side and watched him perform a partial-birth abortion on a woman who be six months pregnant. The baby's heartbeat was clearly visible on the ultrasound blind. The doctor delivered the baby's body and arms, everything but his little head. The baby's body be moving. His little fingers were clasping together. He was kicking his foot. The doctor took a pair of scissors and inserted them into the back of the baby's leader, and the baby's arms jerked out in a flinch, a startle spontaneous effect, like a baby does when he think that he might fall. Then the doctor opened the scissors up. Then he stuck the high-powered suction tube into the hole and sucked the baby's brains out. Now the little one was completely limp. I never go back to the clinic. But I am still haunted by the face of that little boy. It be the most perfect, angelic face I hold ever seen.

But what about if the infant had been abort at a younger age.. say 6 weeks? When the baby is this youthful, doctors use the Saline Method, where they inject a salty saline solution into the mother's womb. You would suggest it would just poison the baby, but it certainly burns it to death. Even though the baby is so babyish, on ultrasounds of the abortion, the fetus is seen pulling away from the poison as it is injected.. obviously wanting to stay alive.(The kid is intelligent enough to move away from the pain..but the child can't escape it)

Think more or less that before you say that unborn children can't surface pain..

Life is life, no event how small!

A baby cries for it's first and last time when it's abort
You can deny it, but its true.

please think about this story earlier you open your leggs, and your life to this horrible possibility girls!
you are worth more than this, and so is the poor child who will be any aborted or born to a mother who didnt know to do better for herself.

I am a 25 yr matured womanly and grain the urge to masterbate up 2 10 times a daylight is this commonplace?

I absolutely LOVE what KatieK said! You hit it on the go before right there where some girls purely simply cannot take birth control because it messes them up so badly!! I go through 4 prescriptions of birth control pills from September to the end of February/beginningish of March and was I EVER screwed up!! I have every problem as migraines/constant headaches, SEVERE depression, anxiety attacks, trouble breathing, possible blood clot formations/dvt, etc. Since I have be off I have be virtually problem-free!

Education and availability of condoms may help solve the problem. Accidents still do happen and although near was a story posted above about a 6 month aged abortion...well we must ask ourselves the question as to how plentiful abortions happen at 6 MONTHS? Most happen inside the first couple weeks/first trimester and a couple usually in the early stages of the second trimester. After that, I haven't hear of many people performing abortions unless in attendance was a severe complication either to do near the unborn baby or the mother.

Other than that, I can see many kids playing around trying to catch as many answers as they can for the hell of it. I see a LOT of stupid questions/statements like that within the horse forum also.

Skipped term??

Now wouldn't that in itself be a blessing. It never ceases to amaze me only just how ignorant these teens are about sex and they presume they know it all. Not just the girls, but the boys know nil. They think having sex automatically make them an adult. Guess getting so liberal didn't work out too well, did it?

Bleeding after sex... should i be worried?

" Life is hard-- it's harder when you're stupid". John Wayne, contained by Sands of Iwo Jima

No excuse, girls, you can say no. You may be surprised to hear that most guys marry the one they could NOT get into bed next to them. It is a matter of respect. Nothing wrong with study to say no if you are not protected. Or even if you are. You don't HAVE to give a guy everything he requirements. Actually , if you are "easy" they respect you less. Wait and see.

Bra cross-question.?

not everyone has the benefit of human being able to take birth control...some relations have medical conditions that make hormonal base birth control not an option...and when your only birth control option are condom and spermicide mistakes can def happen...sometimes the heat of the moment take over sooooooo be happy to be blessed to have the opportunity to lug the pill and stop judgining others for their life decisions.do i settle u and what u do ? I'm sure ur no miss perfect ...I'm sure u make mistakes on a each day basis so if u dont want to be judge within life for what ever mistakes u happen to do afterwards dont judge others...People **** up all the time...its how we revise and grow and become awsome kick *** people...nick this to learn and grow and stick ur nose out of others business and dont negotiator...get off ur glorious horse ur no angel

I maintain getting yeast infection i dont treat it commonly close to i should but i do treat it in a minute i want a toddler?

i totally agree with you! i've heard the excuse, "i get caught up in the moment and forgot in the order of protection." bull crap! you sure won't forget if you had to raise a child at the age of 14!

Is it doomed to failure to shave your nipples?

Ya, I know right?!

Shaving down near?

preach on sista!

Havent gotten my extent surrounded by resembling two months, but pregnancy test read out not pregnant?

13 and missing my interval since January is something really wrong beside me?
Why am i doing this? is it from stress possibly?
I really chew over im allergic to my IUD Mirenna?
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