press just about Brithcontrol pills?

Do you need an exam before getting the pills. And is it true if your on the pill you gain less breakouts and shortens period?

Answers:    Im not sure what sort of exam you are talking about, but no. If you are sexually influential they will usually give you a blood test earlier you start the pill to make sure you arent pregnant, and they also take your counterweight and blood pressure.

And yes it gets rid of your pimples and shortens your period (and also lightens it).

My period usually start on Tuesday lunch time and are finished by Friday night. They are very bedside light and i usually only have to use mini slim tampons and the uncharacteristic regular one..
yes, you will need an exam most times. Even if you don't have to (depending on where on earth you get the birth control) you probably should anyways.

some pills give you smaller number breakouts and most pills give you lighter periods..
You know, there's a bright British study that says you may make different choices while on the pill. I know one woman who claimed she be heterosexual only while on the pill. Off the pill she's a lesbian.

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