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I am 16
I have 2 older sisters, the oldest 31 the other 28

I own known for a long time that my oldest sister had polycystic ovaries when she be a teenager, i believe she had one of them removed, and she be not able to get pregnant although trying and taking fertility treatments throughout her 6 year conjugal.

My mother was able to own six children, but also had cysts on her ovaries and ended up have to have everything taken out

My largest goal within life is to be a mother. Even though I am only 16, I want children more than anything. Up until not long I had believed that I had a open-minded chance of being alright, as my other sister be a great deal older than me and have no problems, but she has recently be diagnosed with emdometriosis, which in my research decrease fertility

Why Computer Chip Breast Injections ? ? ?

I have polycystic syndrome and they told me that I could not have children and two and a partly months ago I had a baby boy. My sister have endometriosis many many times and she have four beautiful children, she even got pregnant when her tubes be tied if you can believe that. Don't worry about it. Polycystic syndrome isn't a disease for elder people, I developed it when I was younger than you. But it doesn't niggardly that you can't have children. There is alot more they have intellectual about this and there are tons of drugs out within now to treat it. It is liveable and you can have children near it. Don't worry about it, if you develope it afterwards you develope it just go to a doctor and win checked out normally and be aware of yourself and how you are feeling and if you touch pain in your ovaries or utieris that isn't your majority cramps, then go to the doctor and enjoy it treated. There are more they are begining to figure out about this immediately.

Has anyone experenced or be treated for sexual aversion?

I personally would contact a good Gynecologist that specializes surrounded by fertility issues even if you have to go to a larger city to find one. For this type of problems a kinfolk doctor or general practice doctor simply will not do. I am all for the specialists. I found out first foot that the more specialized a doctor is the better it is for the patient. I needed a biopsy and the local doctors here at this one horse town hospital wanted to solely remove one mass, even though he saw more that were questionable. I went to our University of WV hospitals and clinics and found a wonderful feminine doctor that only does breast oncology surgery. She found two more that she wanted to biopsy to produce sure I did not have to go through two more surgeries at a subsequent date. I had all three removed at one and one and only have to heal one time. Get on the internet and research things and find doctors that specialize within such things. Travel if you need to, but go for a specialist. It may put together the difference between success and failure. My thoughts and prayers are near you. I know that you will make a wonderful mom someday if given the chance .so FIGHT FOR THAT CHANCE!

Any warning on first term??


I enjoy a mother and sisters in similar situations as yours. I, too, had fears resembling your own a few years ago, but I became pregnant at the age of 28, right after we started trying. I had a wonderful pregnancy and in a minute have a sweet 1-year-old daughter. I hope for another soon.

I know it's hard not to verbs. I've been there. But it's senseless verbs. Chances are you will be FINE. And if for some reason you do have trouble becoming pregnant, here are all kinds of great option out there; treatments that will only be better by the time you are equipped for a family!

So take it effortless for now and enjoy your youth :) Best wishes.

My pelvic nouns is fundamentally swollen around my vagina, what is this?

I have a sonogram this morning. What could this propose?
Swollen cervix? Ladies please (unless your a guy who's wife, g.f. have this)?
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