Can you enjoy cellulite at a young at heart age?

If you have cellulite will you have it forever and but for then how do you get rid of it?


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yes you can.

as for getting rid of it... i'm still trying.

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oh yes; sadly you can have cellulite at a young age. I've have cellulite since I was in highschool and I've other been thin! Well, They right to be heard that excercise to tone the legs might help- I'm not sure if I believe this. Sometimes, even when you are already thin, you may be carrying too much weight for your extraordinary body, so weight loss can decrease cellulite (I've notice that my mom's cellulite has decreased big time near her weight loss even though she has never be big either.)

Im currently using timewise cellu-shape daytime body moisturizer and nighttime body gel both by mary kay in demand to get rid of my cellulite. I have hear nothing but great stuff about these products. However, Im not seeing ANY results and my cellulite is not that desperate! I've also heard that nivea's cellulite cream is supposed to help. Unfortunately, unless you try to return with rid of the cellulite and are successful at it, your cellulite will not go away!

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Im 13 and have cellulite. Dont verbs! Everyone has it. I mean EVERYONE. Its freshly not as noticable on some people. Im not even overweight and i have it on my butt, but i am completely fine with it. You could try nivea products, but cellilite is forever. It just make the cellulite less noticable. I havent used to before, but, freshly so you know:

in rihanna's video for shut up and drive, they didnt show her bum once in the video clip. Why? because she have cellulite.

in ghost whisperer, jennifer love hewitts individuality was running around her house in her partner shirt and her short shorts, but they never showed her bum. She also has cellilite.

It is completely natural. Dont verbs.


p.s. Sienna miller quoted something like

"i have cellulite. I dont prudence. its completely normal"

she is a model and is comfortable with how she looks.

My period?

There are cellulite reducing creams available now-a-days and i've heard that they truly work a little bit! They tighten the skin. But also, cellulite is caused by a poor diet and scarcity of activity, so try and eliminate those things and you should know how to reduce the cellulite (or stop it from coming).

My girlfriend have her extent lately and have blood. She say in attendance isn't any more blood?

Yes, you can. How can you get rid of it?..Hmmm...a but can be eliminate through plastic surgery.

For the concluding two or three months, i enjoy be spotting blood approaching two weeks after my extent, why is that?

you can have it when your young, exericise and shipment loss may get rid of it

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yesss u can!!
cokes are bad!!
they result in it!
work out
and work out!! lol
no cokes!!


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