Please Help ME! I'm have Severe Cramps, adjectives the time that capture worse during and after sex?

Please i need some one to tell what will assistance, or what they think is wrong!

Looking for unknown ways to do it?

You really need to see a Gynecologist ASAP. Don't put it past its sell-by date. Even if you think you can't afford it, they have free and low cost clinics base on your income. But you won't find out what is wrong until you get a proper exam and diagnostic testing to include Ultrasound and CT/and or MRI scan. That bearing you'll know if you have an Ovarian Cyst. Or you might have one of several disorders such as Endometriosis individual one of the most common. Endometriosis causes severe cramping, irregular and indigestible periods, lot of blood clots during your periods, and unyielding to get pregnant. Pain during sex is also a symptom. And ask your doctor for a good narcotic type niggle medication that you can take when you have the worse distress. Take a friend or relative in the exam room with you to testify to the amount of affliction you are suffering because sometimes doctors do not want to give away the good twinge medication for fear of addiction which will not happen surrounded by your case if you use it strictly for the pain issues. Also try to bring back a good medication for nausea because that is one of the adjectives side effects of the pain medicaiton not to mention severe cramping often cause this too. Don't leave the doctor's office unless you hold a prescription for a pain medication in your foot. And if you try it and it doesn't work for you, call the doctor up immediately and ask for something different. You'll own to keep them on their toes when it comes to treating your pain issues seriously. I know this sombrely from personal experience. Best of luck and in the mean time invest contained by a good hot water bottle, you can buy at any drug store.

How do you bring rid of bacterial vaginosis?

Ok within could be a few things wrong here but its hard to tell near just that information. I had cervical cancer for 2 years untill my recent surgery and it cause severe cramps during and after sex. You might be experiencing endometriosis pain which is a condition where the tissue pool liner the uterius is growing outside the uterius and causing the pain, it would also end in very painful period. Go to this website it will tell you what types of problems could be wrong. Also if the pain is steadily getting worse every year to almost unbearable i would get to the hospital as soon as possible you may be experiencing an ectopic pregnancy which is where on earth a fertilized egg develops outside of the uterius causing severe pain and can be homicidal, and i hope I'm not scaring you but it could be very serious. Anyway these problems are within the list in the relationship below, good luck.

Razor bumps?

is there any possibility that you could be pregnant? I be told that you can get cramps, and become very uncomfortible close to that when you are intimate, for the first few weeks of pregnancy. just an idea, if thats not a possibility. later im not sure :-/

I be on the pill for roughly speaking 8 months and i hold not have a cycle n 2months immediately I took theory test and it be glum?

it sounds like mabie you have p.i.d [ pelvic inflamitory desease ] thats what happen, ask your doc about it!

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