Birth Control Pill comfort Please! Ok, so more or less two weeks ago when i started my white pills.?

which are the first pills of the pack i was missing one, i thought i had taken it and newly not remembered because it was not in the pack. I freshly took my usual pill the next day and thought nil of it. THen last night i go to take an ambien that was surrounded by my pocket book and realized AFTER i took it that it was my missing birth control pill. I am in a minute in my third week of the pills. I am freaking out trying to understand what i enjoy done. I have had sex since missing the one pill. Please advocate im so stressed out about this. Thank you.

Help please? A request for information for girls ..?

Well, I hate to read out that even when taken completely correctly, the pill is not 100% effective. I got pregnant on the pill, and know 3 other culture personally who did as well. The pill is something like 98-99% effective even when everything is done perfectly. You apparently missed a sunshine altogether, and it is too late to double up, or take a morning after pill presently, so you have increaed those odds by alot. This is not to right to be heard that you will definitely get pregnant, but in that is always a chance. I would in recent times wait and make sure that your spell comes when it is supposed to. If not, take a test and name your doctor. Good luck!

The sims 1 problem?

Refer to the literature that comes with your packet, but I believe skipping one pill is "fine" and you don't need backup birth control. However, if you miss more than one, you do have need of to use condoms for a week. It sounds as though you only missed one, so you should be fine, but since the pill is not 100% effective even when used correctly, keep hold of an eye on your cycle and take a test if prerequisite.

After have my daughter 6 years ago Ive other have a movable lump inside my stomach and don't no what it is?

If you only missed one but took the rest on schedule than I wouldn't verbs about it. I've missed two or three one week and I never had a problem. Of course everyone is different but I wouldn't verbs too much about it.

Can someone help out me w/ the big "O"?

Missing one pill is not that big of a deal as long as you find it in as soon as possible. Relax, seriously just be more far-sighted ok?

Period please relief!?

Could someone relieve me to be more settle down going on for this?
Pills to net boobs bigger??
What are the reason for a overdue time when you ovulate at a majority time?
  • I had sexual intecourse but I used a condom but I was suppose to have my period around these days Iam worried?
  • My swollen Stomach..?

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