Please relieve. tampon applicator cracked?
is it still safe to use?
Answers: okay if it doesnt feel like one portion of the crack is sticking out more then the other side then i presume it would be fine.
but if it feels like its its sticking out consequently dont use it you could cut yourself!
if you dont want to risk it just wear a pad. :).
Some tampons are sold in need applicators at all so that they will be compact and easy to pass and hide. Just take rotten the applicator and hold the tampon on the end of your finger and slowly push it in next to your finger. Make sure you get it far enough contained by so that it doesn't feel uncomfortable. From very soon on always have an extra supply. Good luck. Yeah, that happen to those. If you can still get it in ok, jump for it, even if you have to use your fingers a bit. If not, just use a wipe (or balled up toilet paper if you have to.) Or ask a woman you see for a pad/tampon. Many women get extra ones in their purses. .
No, use a paper towel and put it surrounded by your panties or use a pad until you can buy more. You might scratch your self internally. That won't be fun. Go buy some current tampons..
I wouldn't take the risk. I'd buy a new one.