CYSts Me and MY Hubby!! HELP!!?

Me and my Hubey both have cysts!! I normally get hold of them...but i haven't in a lonnnngg time! And he NEVER gets them...NOW Me and MY Hubby BOTH enjoy them! WHY?????

He has them on his Thigh's closes to his penis! I have 2 on my Butt and one on my lower hindmost!

What could this be??...

Any All Answers Please!!

Thanks in advance!

Answers:    It could be a staph infection. It is drastically contagious and can present itself as boils or cysts. It can become very serious so both you and your hubby need to grasp seen by a doctor asap to get this treated and lower than control..
okay, I have no personal experience with this but it sounds approaching this could sexually transmitted it;s the only thing that make sense,or you;re both genetically inclined to have cysts! I would definitely see a dr. going on for this because I don;t think you want these in your vagina and this sounds resembling a major problem you;re not going to be rid of without medical give support to.
BEST OF LUCK A bacterial infection that's contageous. See your doc and get them examined. Easy fix with antibiotics..
Both of you call for to go see a Dr. together ask ur doc...

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