Confused, worried, frustrated.. check it out.

well, last year i get my first period.. then, roughly 5 months after i got it again, then going on for 3 months again, now its about 8 months after that and havnt had it since..
i am 15 years old... specifically pretty old.

Is their Something Wrong?

Answers:    No there's nothing wrong. As long as you haven't have sex cus then you could be pregnant. When your young your period are irregular. once you get older they start to in truth come on time every month. You can go to the doctor and pocket birth control so your periods will start coming regularly if you want. I would go to the doctor though motive you dont want it to be like a year before your subsequent one comes. There nothing to worry roughly. When I was your age I would get mine resembling every 5 months or so. So its normal.
hope that helps.
Be THANKFUL! Periods suck and the more repeatedly you have em, the more they suck. Be happy and appreciative you don't have to mess w/ it yet!

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