Can I hitch my extent by in the future by count an extra pill?

If I take ONE extra birth control pill at the end of my 21 year pack (so, take 22 active pills total) will it difficulty my period by a day? i dont want to skip it altogether for a month, I simply need to push it back by ONE DAY. Can I next resume taking my next pack as normal on the regular hours of daylight? So, take only a 6 morning break for my period?

Answers:    You would be protected for sex if you did this.

It isn't a guarantee that it would delay your extent by one day. You can try it to see, but just be prepared if it doesn't..
yeah u could. u still might grasp ur period but not that much might not come out. also ur period might be confused after u do this. where on earth u will spot for one day then be in motion away then come back again. this happen to me also. well i hope everything works out for u girl! good luck. Yes, this is adjectives fine. You can take one extra pill and delay your interval one day. Then start again after six days off. You should still be protected.

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