What is a better pick, belimia or anorexia?

Answers:    Neither one is effective they both can put to death you.
It's "bulimia" and neither are a good odds, unless you enjoy going into cardiac arrest, rotting teeth (bulimia), faint often, have your hair trickle out, pretty much slowly dying. I'd try eating fine and exercising were I you. Niether!
Bulimia and Anorexia are ways of loosing weightiness.

They both have near cons.

Bulimia rots your teeth (Even if you brush afterwards) because of the acid contained by your vomit.


Anorexia can make you infertile.
(You cant own kids)

Both of grevios effects on your body.

A better way to loose freight is to just excersize regulary. Eat stout and have smaller portions of food.
drink lots of hose down.
Nether!! They're both terrible. Both incentive you to not get the right nutrients that you stipulation to live. Belimia can cause your esophagus to catch burned from stomach acid and could rupture, you'd vomit blood, it's really gross. It can also verbs your teeth and make them leak out. And it causes fruitless breath from all the make worse from the stomach acid.

Anorexia is also bleak, not getting enough nutrition can ruin up damaging your sexual organs. It can organize to a hormonal imbalance which can effect erectile disfunction, lack of desire, want of ability to climax.

Both are BAD concept. Try a sensible diet instead, something like SouthBeach or The Zone.
neither Neither! Can recommend Jenny Craig as a undamaging and effective channel to lose weight and maintain it off. Both me and my husband be losing around about 2lbs every week and kept it past its sell-by date; and that was lacking exercise. You get assigned a personal councellor who weights and measures you every week - and give good proposal. The food is healthy, delectable and best of all, no cooking! Good luck!
none Both harmful neither effective contained by the long term if you die. Eat well and exercise. Do it the right way. Stay handsome inside and out.
Dont do either, they are both bleak for your health. Do you realize that when you strave yourself, (either way) your body starts to drink itself.
Better, to exercise. and eat healthly, if your greatly overweight right now, it wont nick long to see results, but keep beside it!
Every pound you lose you'll have more heartiness to lose more, keep thoughts close to these in your leader and that'll help.

And if you really are trying to punish yourself beside food, but stoping or throwing up food...do it the right way. Eat boring yucky vigour food, veggie shakes (carrots, tomato, cucumber, celery (it burns more cal than you take surrounded by with it) drink it down.put away things like potatos beside nothing on them, etc etc..trust me you'll lose counterbalance!
There's no quick fix to losing bulk. It took time to put it on, it will take time - and action, to take it bad. But it will be worth the effort, as you are smaller number likely to gain the solidity back as swiftly. Which is a better option for what? Suicide?
I be anorexic, nearly died and 12 years later my body still can't digest consistent foods. Wouldn't recommend it.
Bulimia is just disgusting. Why anyone would pig out, later throw it all up is beyond me. Your teeth and nail erode and so does your throat. UGH!
I'd say devour healthy and exercise, lose counterbalance the healthy style.
well to enlighten u the truth NEITHER! because belimia can cause hazard to your vital organs and it can raison d`??tre un reparable damage to your kidneys. Anorexia is not a great entity to do either because when u dont guzzle you lose all your nutrients and u enjoy no energy. Both or these option seem similar to the "Magic Cure:" but wat most ppl dont no is that, yea u are loosing weight faster than exercising, But the doomed to failure part is that your body cannot embezzle tthe sudden weight lose and you will only just gain the weight bac faster. anorexia is the "safest" because near bulimia you are throwing up all your bodies inherent nutrients and proteins. with anorexia your body is drinking them because that's all near is to eat. they are both horrible ways to lose shipment, so don't try these methods if thats what your asking this for.

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