Breast Lump?

Hello this really isn't a question but I just required to make a statement to all those out at hand who are scared because they discovered a lump in their breast. From my own situation surrounded by my right breast a lump was discovered which I found out via mammogram and songram was a benign (non cancerous) cyst and that my breast be fibrocystic (something that affects more than 60 percent of women). I was so scared and anxious to find out if I have cancer or not, but thanks be to God that it was newly a cyst. Please for all women who are anxious and scared move about to your doctor make that appointment and get peace of mind and most importanly pray to God and ask him to restore to health you as I did. God bless!! God does answer prayers, and God helps those who help themselves so other do breast checks and go to your doctor with any concerns they can and will assistance and clarify alot of things for you because I found out alot about breast lumps and various conditions of the breast.By the opening I'm 30 years.God is great

Girl ask?

first off kudos too you for getting a mammogram. more woman should do this or at least do self breast exams. hasty detection is the best cure for breast cancer. this is a battle all woman must clash this long battle. staying away from caffiene will help next to the cysts , i know this from experiance . you are right god does answer prayers thank you for spreading the good word. its nice to see another breast cancer warrior in the world. this disease have struck 4 woman in my family so its a rationale close to my heart. my aunt is battling it round 2 right now god be next to her. any way thanks and god bless

Could i be preggers??

I'm thrilled for you, it's probably nice not having to worry in the order of something that was always contained by the back of your mind :)

I love when things get resolved!

Ladies Advice?

Yes, God is great. But this is call womenanswers.orgs, not Yahoo! Testify.

I'm Scared!!?


I can go(sexually) for hours.But do women really similar to going forever.Even when in that surrounded by control of the stroke?

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