Gah, Depo Provera. Help, please:)

Okay, so I recently (one week ago today) got the shot. In the time spell since this I've experienced the well documented increase in appetite that comes next to this treatment. I'm also experiencing very bad skin. I suffered beside bad skin for years and finally, within the ultimate couple, it's improved dramatically. So, as you can imagine a return to spots be most unwelcome. I was just wondering if anyone could explain to me whether this will be a continuousoccurrencee, or whether after a while of being on the shot, it will clear up.
Also, I've been thinking of ways to combat the fruitless skin that is being cause by the shot. Can anyone think of any good ones aside from the conspicuous water and acne treatments available?
I suppose I'm really asking whether thiscertainin side effect can be turned around, or whether I'm stuck near iuntilll this shot is over, or even for some time after that.

Answers:    For some women, these side effects never go away for the entire duration of being on the shot, and for up to six months of mortal off of the shot. However, other women experience a couple of bad months followed by impeccably normal, period-free months to years.

If you are on this as a medical treatment, talk to your doctor to see if a lower dose birth control method would be only just as effective. If you are on it just to use as birth control I importantly, highly suggest you find a different form of birth control.
oh girl that's temporary side effects my skin did the same item after a while it started to clear up as a matter of fact I be on the shot for a long time from18-27 of course I'm not married anymore.but watch your weightiness with the shot cause I have a cousin she was on the shot for only two months she get very big.good luck near that. my daughter gained 42 pounds in 2 1/2 years the strength department takes them off when they gain that much..move about to something else..
Don't even get your next shot. I don't want to alarm you with the horrors I went through, but trust me.

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