Pain im my vag...citizens who really kno what they're tlkin roughly

I have this pain and it's resembling my lower back (very low) basically my butt bone and headache in my vag. it especially hurts when i lay down to go to sleep also when i sit down for a tremendously long time. stretching temporarily relieves it but it comes back eventually. it doesn't hurt all the time especially when i'm preocupied. o and this anguish comepletely stops when i'm on my period. could this be cervical cancer? should i be worried? or go to the dr?

Answers:    I hold had this many times and its other been caused by a cyst or abcess surrounded by the joints/tender parts. I have had to enjoy three ops for this though antibiotics can help if u catch it surrounded by time, I am no doc so would advise health supervision and a ultrasound scan to check as my ultra sound found endometriosis where your womb facing grows outside the womb and also polycystic ovarys which is cysts clustered on the ovarys. All were not related but one small procedure found everything, if they try and fob u off ask for a second inference, I wish I had asked closer now I am infertile, good luck.
I longing u well x.
It could be a number of things resembling a kidney infection, or a urinary tract infection, but the best thing you could do is go be see by a doctor. And if your a young girl and sexually active I would ask the doctor going on for a Gardisil shots this helps prevent cervical cancer, Good luck and please go to the doctor. I hope this info help you! Take care! this is very eccentric. i suggest going to the doctor, i dont think it is cervical cancer but you never know, see an ob-gyn maybe.
draw from it checked out!

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