How long after the ending helpful pill do you draw from your time of year mostly?
I'm a bit confused because I lost a pill, so I finished on a different day than commonplace.
So if I took my last pill Friday morning, when should I carry my period?
Answers: Usually 2-4 days for me. 3 is average.
You should be getting your spell within 7 days of taking the final active pill. You can other call your doctor's department and speak with a nurse - they will be more than thrilled to answer questions that you may own.
Is this mundane or of late strange? , preventing unprotected sex or getting aids, which is more defining to u??
Is it possible to stir to the stroll surrounded by offcies or sollantic or something to bring back a perscription for birth control?
What does it suggest if I consistency pressure from my tampon INSIDE my body but not outside?
The pill: if you freshly achieve a renunciation bleed & not a proper term, why do you still gain menstrual symptoms?
Dark red bleeind?