On a size of one to ten?

how bad will your first time hurt. like does it hurt approaching you have a tampon in wrong or close to mother of god im going to die?

TSS? [[help]]?

It depends on your body for example when a friend of mine did it she said it didnt hurt for her and her cherry didnt pop but for me it didnt hurt me it just felt discomfited .So it really depends on your body but i think for most people it hurts beacuse .If abosolutely nought has been up in that then it hurts more .So one tolled me teh guy should finger you before you granted to have sexual intercourse because it (opens up more ).Scale of one to ten i would say 5 .
what i dont recomend is anal sex that kill like B****.EXITS ONLY :)

I am breastfeeding and want to pinch diet pills, if i thieve them right after she feed and dont nurture her for 2?

(1) The intensity of deflowering pain, i.e. of have the first sexual intercourse, varies drastically from woman to woman. Thus, no prediction is possible.

(2) In most cases the pain is slight to surrounding substance, like cutting your finger a bit bit with a knife. In almost NO cases the discomfort is as intense as having a dentist drill a nerve or so.

(3) The most essential things for having your first sexual intercourse:

3a: Be relaxed and be positively sure you want to do this. Being tensed and tight contributes significantly to pain.

3b: Use greatly of commercial lubrication. Even for experienced, adult women vaginal dryness is quite raw. Never try to to use water, soap or oil for lubrication. Please buy a commercial lubrication gel close to K-Y.

3c: It is important to be sexually aroused. The vagina is softened, loosened, moisterised when being aroused.

I recommend that you and your boyfriend play like mad with each other including mutual petting and extremely including clitorial stimulation and penetration with one finger. It help if you have seen his erected penis, hold stimulated him and seen a ejaculation, so you know what will happen to him and how your own body feel when you are excited and aroused. Do this training on a separate day without any pressure towards first sex.

And please regard about contraception.

Why would you want to enjoy a sex evolution to a masculine afterwards want to take pregant?

No one can tell you that I'm afraid. Some girls find it hurts profusely others feel virtually no pain at adjectives. It will help if you engage within other sexual activities (like masturbating) with your partner earlier you have intercourse so that you can stretch your hymen and make your vagina muscles used to have something inside them.
Good Luck

If you sleep witha a bra on..?

most girls don't eve bleed

it's just ancient values that say a woman should remain a virgin until married so the man know the kid is his (after taking her away from all other men on honeymoon), that's why it wasn't important to bleed, and every girl looked-for to bleed as a way of proving they were a virgin, even though most don't even when they are virgins. This is adjectives slightly retarded and puritanical since it goes against reality and we own DNA testing anyways.

My doctor is a guy and I don't want him to look at my no no what do I do?

Well my first time was not pleasant.. but I did wallow in it..

We kinda did it wrong though.. cos I was like economically I want to go on top.. HUGE mistake... I shot of himm like a bullit.. lol

He come on top of me and we took things slowly... I felt approaching he had sand or gravel on him... which was raw..

but when he said shall I stop I was like no hang on to going... It took 3-4 times before it was adjectives good and heavenly... x)

But my best friend did not experiance any spasm at all... so I guess it is different for each girl...

so on the degree of 1 to 10 . i give it an 8.5 ...

Plan b side effects?

for me it was a sharp niggle when he was entering (7/10), but once he was completely within, it turned into a dull ache (3/10). it hurt alot less the 2nd time, & completely stopped hurting by the 3rd.

Is this middle-of-the-road?

I'd own to say like your tampon is within wrong or like you just bumped into a table but not easier said than done enough to bruise yourself. I'd have to speak maybe a 2

Yeast Infection?

For me it was 0, not at adjectives.

It really varies, some its real bloody, some it doesn't hurt at all.


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Ummm helppp me PLES!!?
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