Omg! when it rain it pours and i don't no what to do!?

I got laid off from my opportunity, t.v. broke in my bedroom, my family and home requirements things that i can't provide (I'm a single mother of 2 children) i don't no what to do. and i just went outside to find my sports car isn't starting. i'm ready to go crazy (not literally) but i have need of some answers.

Irregular period?

Relax and think positive, sometimes things look worst at night and they look out of proportion.
why is the t.v. so defining anyway?that mind numbing stupidity box? i bet the kids and you will be better without it, play with them , update them a story, read a book that keep your mind busy, if its late at darkness there's nothing you can do anyway so leave your problems for the morning.
Don't try to offer your kids material stuff that you can't afford at the moment, it can be a lesson for them. replace things with love.

I have my first extent demo 4 relieve?

Well, you requirement a new job. Do you hold friends/ family to help? Now's the time to lean on them.

Early time after missed pill - finish the pack? or start a brand new pack?

Girls- have this ever happen to you?
Im pretty sure i hold endometriosis?
Weight Problem?
  • Why do i bring back it lately me??
  • Why does my pelvic nouns hurt?

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