Pap smear?
Hi, what do u mingy by sore nipple ……. I expect I’m pregnant?
The other answers are correct, it is a swab of your cervix that the doctor will use to check for abnormal cells that may signal cancer or other diseases.To answer your other question, as far as I know you can get one at any age, and it does not matter whether you are a virgin (though it may cleave your hymen, if it isn't already.)
What happens is that the doctor will ask you to lie on your posterior and spread your legs. She will then insert an instrument called a speculum into your vagina to hold it unseal so she can see and swab your cervix. It is uncomfortable for some women but generally does not hurt (though sometimes it can be a bit cold) and it last less than a minute.
If you are interested, some doctors will actually hold up a mirror for you so you can see your cervix (it looks approaching a small pink donut). Just make sure to ask ahead of time.
Good luck!
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The Pap test, also call a Pap smear, checks for changes in the cell of your cervix. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus (womb) that opens into the vagina (birth canal). The Pap experiment can tell if you have an infection, impressive (unhealthy) cervical cells, or cervical cancerIts a test for cervical cancer and recommended for any woman to be exact sexually active or has a clan history of cancer. It's Just a swab usually done when you have your annual physical.
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they swab the inside of your vagina to check for diseases etc. painless, but some people get the impression awkward about it-but you gotta do it!I found.?
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