NEED HELP! swollen labia?

I had sex with my boyfriend on Monday darkness, it is now friday morning. We didnt use any protection, and it was a bit rough. I was up last hours of darkness till three oclock because it was itchy "down there" and i thought it was another yeast infection. When I get up to check, my right labia was really swollen, itchy, and red. It looked really weird. I freaked out. When I woke up around an hour and a partially later it was really confused and like a cat on a hot tin roof because i dont know if its normal or if i got something? its be four days since the sex. Please Help!

Is something wrong near me?

Your labia has an increase of blood flow when you are aroused. Well, any part down within that region. Kind of like a hard on. This could be the root for the swolleness. Also, if it was rough sex, it could have be irritated. Make sure before you have sex you are drizzly enough to prevent pain-full friction and microscopic tears in your vagina. Use lube if necessitate be, or better yet, make sure you hold plenty of foreplay first. Also after you have intercourse go potty. This will prevent UTIs. I usually walk pee and wash my crotch with heat up water and a mild soap after. Have fun!

I perceive really self concious of my stage?

maybe your have a allergic reaction from the condom or it was only just rough.

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