What be your first gynecology experience close to?

Awkward????? I'm just curious.

Answers:    Well, I was deeply nervous going in and I feel very awkward but it wasn't that bad. She be nice and sat down and talked next to me and told me what was going to happen and I could opt out of anything that really be too scared of (I didn't). And she explained everything she was doing and told me back she did it.

Really, it isn't that bad. Yes it's awkward and yes some things will feel wierd but it won't be scratchy and really the first time is the scariest and after that it's just annoying lol!

btw, you can have your mom or a friend near you if you want to talk to you or even hold your hand during an exam if you approaching. Or you can not if you prefer!

I have to say, I would one and only want to see a female gynaecologist ever.

I can say more but I'm not sure how much detail you want? Please grain free to email me if you like. Good luck and best wishes :)

Well, it was raw for me cause im still a virgin. I kept holding my breath. DONT do that. You will pass out. Second, if u are still a virgin, ask for the small duck bill looking piece. And be prepared for them to poke your cervix. It HURTS. I cramped for hours afterward. And the lub made me itch *down there.* scary to be honest,and awkward I be a sign of your laying on a table with your legs spread.ya but thank goodness I found a dr I could relax with(he's hot).
never been...the health system here surrounded by the uk dosent bother giving women smears until they are 25...so 2 more years to go.should be fun...haha. never been..
I'm a masculine so i've never gone.but i want 2b a gynechologist!

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