My mom. help out please.?

this question is about my mom.
she have been getting her period alot.. and for extended period of time, like 2 weeks at a time.
does this mean shes going throught menopause or what?
she have an appointment.. but i wanna no if shes dying or what.. lol.
someone tell me whats up?
please and thanks

How do i communicate my mother.?

Sounds most feasible to be her peri-menopause which is what women go through in the time ascendant up to their menopause (which is when periods stop). The peri-menopause can last for years, or months. It change from woman to woman. My mother is 50, and she's been in her peri-menopause since she be 45! Her sister also start at 45, and is now 53 and still there. Women at these stages enjoy a very rough time, so give Mum lots of support and cuddles.

If it is anything more serious, next she is doing the right thing by going to the doctor to get it checked out.

Ok so i'm 13 and I havent in fact gotten my interval but I other hold this white discharge contained by my underwear.

No, she's not dying. It sounds similar to a classic case of endometriosis. It comes with that irregular interval and excessive bleeding symptoms. They can give her medicine to back, but the best thing would be for her to have a hysterectomy, especially if she's not planning on have any more children.

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She is not dying
but you did not tell us her age
if she is still experiencing periods she might enjoy fibroid in the uterus or ovarian cyst or hormonal imbalance adjectives treatable but must be checked

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she not dying

show her this link may help

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may be she is this can start at any age and she has done sensible thing by seeking warning from GP try to stop worrying as that wont help it could be numerous simple things easily remedied

Heavy bleeding and clots?

she's not dying her body is newly doing something strange, maybe pre-menopausal stuff, the doctor will figure it out

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i cant believe you laugh after you said you wanted to know if your mom was dying. ..thats not funny at adjectives

Hmmm I don't know what to speak to this.?

She's not dying, I'm sure, but she may have ovarian cysts. She needs to run to the doctor.

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She's not dying.

Only ppl who know just about incontinence can answer plz?

shes not dying...kay. gosh.

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