Could i be pregnant?

I've had 3 skipped periods, some spotting, and a great deal of lower abdominal and back pain. i've taken three pregnancy test and they were all glum. it's about four months since i last have intercourse. is there any chance that i could be pregnant? or could it be a cyst or infection of some sort? oh might i make a payment that i did get my period once since the ultimate time i had sex.


Lazyiness minister to!!111?

Well, it IS true that symptoms start to show after the first missed period, so these symptoms that you are showing could be from pregnancy, but also from stress. Stress is other a thing to consider when you are trying to determine if you are pregnant. It is mostly best to try your best to be at ease. If you get your period on time after you have sex, you should be okay. On top of that, home pregnancy tests are applicable two weeks after intercourse. Being that it is nearly four months, any pregnancy test would categorically be correct. If you have trouble believing that, I would have a blood audition taken by your doctor. I doubt highly you are pregnant.

What does this signify?

I would go see your doctor and ask for a blood examination to really be sure because those take home tests are not other right. You maybe pregnant and you may not it could be stress or something but it seems close to if you have skipped that many period I would considor a doctor visit.

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it sounsd like it i hear some of those pregnancy interview dont always work or have a slight adjectives they are wrong, its best if you see a doctor for sure....

answer my question plz.thx!;...

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