My mom bought me pantie liner today!! Need back now((((? I am 12 and been having discharge for almost 1 year and 4 months now...and I believe my period is getting closer.and lately I enjoy been getting cramps for like 2 days in a minute and mood swings alot...I thing my mom is noticing the change and becuase of that while we were in target (it be my mom, my dad, and me) and said out loud do u want the pink pantie liners or blue.and I be like WATTT!! And in front of my dad...dat be embarrassing...but my question really isF how do I stockpile the embarrassment ?

How can I shorten my length or manufacture it go away me alone for a few days?

Talk to your mom and let her know it is degrading and that you prefer her to only talk to you give or take a few it when your dad and/or brothers aren't around. Also let her know that pronouncing it in public is humiliating. Hopefully after you settle to her she will understand.

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Getting your period might be embarassing at first, but until you surface comfortable with it tell your mom that you don't surface comfortable talking about within front of people, you don't want people to know, that you would prefer it if she bought them when your dad wasn't around and if she can't respect you for that recount her you hate her, go to your room, slam the door at the rear you, and cry. It'll make you feel better and hopefully she'll realize that you be being serious about not wanting individuals to know lol. Good luck!

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Well, you can't change what happened! But you don't stipulation to be embarassed, as a married (I assume!) man, your dad probably knows more about panty liner than you at this point. And chances are your mom already told him about your discharge/period when they be alone! Since your mom mentioned it in front of him, it means she's probably pretty unambiguous with this stuff, and parents tend to tell eachother everything that have to do with their kids.

But, you should probably tell your mom that it embarassed you! She might discern sorry and make sure not to do it again. :)

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Hehe. I remember when I was your age :P I be embarrased too.

But it is not embarrassing, you'll realise that soon! Your Dad knows adjectives about periods and everything, so does your mother and so does everyone! It's not crushing because all women get period. It's not like when you get a funny pimple somewhere and not a soul else has one - EVERYONE has period! It's natural and healthy and well brought-up. Don't think of it as embarrassing.

It's liiikkeee... erm... everyone go to the toilet! See? You're not embarrased to say 'I just requirement to go to the toilet' are you? Then why be embarrased of your period? It happen to all women ^^

Another implanon cross-question...First month bleeding?

Okay, your dad probably knows more something like periods than you. Think about it; he's married to a woman. LoL

It's shameful at first, but eventually you just have to suck it up.

I didn't start until I be 13, but pay attention to your body, and carry those panty liner with you at all times! It will be WAY more crushing when you realize you started at school with out anything to use.

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Just acquire used to it. Eventually you will accept that it is a simple fact of vivacity and that every girl(woman) goes through it and that every boy(man) knows around it. It is nothing to be ashamed about. Just be confident surrounded by who you are and be very matter of certainty about it. Because only you distribute it power. If you aren't worried about it then not a soul else will be either.

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Sorry to hear about your embarassing situation :( But greeting to growing up - we all go through it. As time go on, you will become more comfortable with your body and it won't be a big deal. I remember how I be so embarassed by my first bra and when I started my period. You could always ask your mom to be a touch more discreet next time.

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That was probably immensely embarassing, but I promise one day it'll be no big deal to you and you'll realize to be exact where your mom was coming from. She should enjoy realized it would be an upsetting approach, but it really is no big deal... to any of your parents. They just weren't thinking as a 12 year old would. We parents can be totally out of touch at times. Sorry, on behalf of your mom... sometimes we can stick our foot in it. :(

What is wrong beside me?

lolol, there is really zilch you can do, she already said it!! Your dad knows what's going on, he's has a wife and know the female reproductive system! I know its embarrassing, so lately try to forget it ever happened! I am sure your dad didn't even think twice something like it.

WILL someone please answer, I am dying to know?

You need to just consent to go of it. What has be said can not just be taken back and your dad know what you are going through. It's just part of vivacity, so just let step of your embarrassment and stop thinking about it. Big randomness your dad already knew.

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Listen u maybe getting close. Trust me you will be glad that you are wearing a panty liner. They really are great rear ups for tampons.

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It's okay everyone gets ther period basically tell your mom not to say things that embarass you shell listen

Strech smudge problem!?

It's not really that embarassing.All girls gain it eventually...My BFF got hers today..LOL

Eating disorder?

omg its ur period return with over it every girl goes thru it its no big deal! god

Could within be a coincidence of individual preg?

honestly...merely blow it may seem really embaressing but merely be ignore it...i doubt your dad cares..only live through it..

Will I start my period soon?

lol just ask your mum not to say stuff resembling that infront of people

Pee plz comfort?

Just say to your mum when you're alone that you find it embarrasing right presently and would prefer if she didn't mention it in front of anybody else.

However there's no need to surface embarrased. As you get older you'll touch less so and you'll realise that 50% of the population are in indistinguishable boat - it's no more embarrasing than getting a cold! The only people who find it funny are undersized little boys but they don't know what they're talking about! I take in what you mean though, I'm sure most girls feel humiliated at first, but you'll get used to it as time passes and soon won't bat an eyelid when someone mentions period!

PS. Please don't listen to the girls answer above me ^ she must be very immature not to realise that it IS a big agreement for some people when they start!

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