My brothel is going down. Nearly not a soul are coming anymore.?

I own a brothel and have over 100 prostitutes living there. I am have problem's with customer's coming lately. I think it is because the prostitutes are growing zits on their bottoms. 50 of them enjoy crabs and 30 have H.i.v. I am not sure what to do.. Help!

Has anyone gotten an abortion from planned fatherliness?

hhmmm fire them and make it a requirement for them to be tested for adjectives stds every month, and that they cant work until its cleared up so they dont spread them, the stdsa are most likely the reson you bussiness has slumped, men give an account other men to stay away for a place if they caught something there, make sure your clients wear protection or they wont recive any services that road you protect your workers the clients and your bussinesses reputation, i dont really think prostitution is right but if it somehow keeps a man from raping a man woman or kids after so be it. the zits on their bottoms could be a std or just because the skin is more delicate and sensitive near and its getting too much action, get the adjectives clear from doctors on the stds and any bugs and to help with the zits they call for to wash more freqently between clients or if they are they may need to correction soap to a less harsher one that wont iritate the skin down there. this qestion seem like a hoax but i look at it hypotheticly and thats the best answer i got . accurate luck sorry for other ppls silly replys :)

How long??

Its probably the intense odor of fish and salty garbage emanate from your vagina that is keeping the customers away. I can smell it from here, yuck.

What should I do? Please aid!?

Yes, I can see having problems near customers coming would be a problem for a brothel owner.

At what age u should do smear examination?

Hmm...try diversifying your business...why not create a new pill? 50% viagra and 50 % even if they dont take a **** ..they wont give a **** !

OMg I judge I'm Pregnant...How do I know?

Intense idiot

Mature Question?

LMAO,thanks for the 2 points!

Can men use?

Are you for actual ? Call the police in your town and ask them.

I am bleeding for no common sense..?

Call Senator Harry Reid from Nevada. I'm sure he would be glad to help!

Minimising white strech results?!?

travel away

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